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floor fight to have delegates pledged to President Carter released and
to throw the convention open. He had won the battle against the President
on strategic platform planks. And now after a preweek political move to
"dump Carter," the President had gone over the top on the first ballot.
The President had not accepted without any personal reservation Mr. Ken­
nedy's much-insisted on plank for spending 12 billion dollars immediately
to ease unemployment. Mr. Carter got word to the convention he was for
the same goal, but had personal reservations as to the Senator's method.
Would Senator Kennedy hold out, split the Party, or would he acqui­
esce for the sake of harmony and support Mr. Carter for re-election?
Just what, in these circumstances, was Mr. Kennedy thinking? Would
German politician Dr. Strauss have said, "How Mr. Kennedy could be
elected four years from now, of course"? Was the politician thinking
of what is best for the PEOPLE, or what is best for his own fight to grab
the throttle of greatest government power on earth? I won't answer that-­
I can't read his mind.
There was one bit of humor on the CBS coverage of the Wednesday
night convention show. The dry-speaking Andy Rooney was asked by Walter
Cronkite if he had any comment on whether the President should stick with
Vice President Mondale for re-election. (The V.P. nomination was to come
before the convention on Thursday.)
Andy Rooney did.
"I think," he said soberly, "the President should select a Vice
President with more color. Why not Ex-President Ford? He almost made
the Vice-Presidential bid at the Republican convention. A Republican on
the ticket as Mr. Carter's V.P. would at least add color.
"Or," he continued, "If Mr. Carter does not like that suggestion,
how about putting brother Billy on the ticket--keep it in the family?
That way Billy could make foreign connections officially. Or, I have
still another suggestion--since the First Lady, Roselyn Carter is the
President's chief confidante anyway, why not a husband-and-wife team?
She's a good campaigner.
Many millions of dollars of taxpayers' money have been spent on
political campaigns and these conventions to nominate candidates for the
people to vote on. The conventions were big noisy shows. There was
laughter, "having a time," shouting, confusion, anger, jubilation, pathos,
emotion and even tears.
In all this campaigning to "GET" the office of POWER, one observer
said, "Thank God, only ONE candidate can win."
That is the way GOVERNMENT is carried on in this world.
Six thousand years ago, the former super archangel Lucifer, having
rebelled against the Government of God on earth, was slinking around as
a serpent, now called Satan. God had just created the first HUMAN--in
God's own image--with a potential of inheriting the THRONE OF THE EARTH.
From this man, Adam, God made a woman, Eve, to be his wife. Eve was
all for a "Woman's Rights Amendment." She took the lead. The man,created