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has been good with the percentage of response to the letter of invitation
(in terms of attendance) progressively improving from 2% in San Juan to
13% in Ponce and 15% in the city of Mayaguez.
One more conference is
planned for the city of Humacao, Puerto Rico.
Mr. Stan Bass, Regional Director for the Caribbean area was recently in
Jamaica for an annual meeting for the Association of the Worldwide Church
of God in Jamaica, Ltd. He reported, "I found Charles and Carmen Fleming ·
(the ministerial assistant there) and all the brethren in Jamaica safe in
spite of all the increasing political violence in the country. In the
week or so that we were in Jamaica, there were nearly thirty persons slain
in political violence. It is truly saddening to see what is happening to
an independent and hearty people. It is as if the Jamaican society has a
mandate to destroy itself. Almost no one goes anywhere at night for fear
of physical harm.
''In the ghettos of Kingston," continued Mr. Bass, "what is happening is
almost unbelievable. It is there that the political polarization sweeping
the country is most evident. In the JLP areas (areas supportive of the
Jamaica Labour Party, the opposition party) streets are barricaded with
old cars, garbage cans, abandoned furniture, anything which will serve to
prevent easy access to PNP (People's National Party) gunmen. The same is
true of the PNP areas. Each political party seems determined to blame
the other party for all the violence experienced by its followers--tit
for tat--or as the leader of the opposition, Edward Seaga, said, 'blood
for blood.'
"What a pity that the Jamaican people have to suffer at the hands of their
leaders with their political folly. But in spite of all the problems, a
visit to the Jamaica Church is an experience to remember. Such warmth
and outgoing concern would at first seem hard to explain in the light of
the day-to-day experiences of living in Jamaica. But, somehow, when
almost every day of one's life he must review what is important and what
is not, God's Spirit manifests itself in an extra, second effort.
"The highlight of my visit to Jamaica was a Ladies Night with the
man Club in which seven men were graduated. Something I wish you
could have seen and heard was the speech given by Don Breidenthal.
is a U.S. Peace Corps member stationed in Jamaica. The thing that
his speech outstanding is the fact that he has been deaf since the
of five! He was an inspiration to me. Living proof that the word
'handicap' can be applied only to golfers and those poor souls who
'I can't,' even before they try," concluded Mr. Bass.
Report From The Netherlands: Regional Director Bram de Bree telexed that
this has been the rainiest summer for over 40 years. Two weeks ago the
skies were clear and sunny for the first time in six weeks. With a very
dry spring and extremely wet summer, food prices are rapidly increasing.
Even the millions of cows in that green country give less milk. Several
rivers have overflown their banks. Meanwhile,God's Work continues.
Income for June showed a 22.23% year-to-date increase and a 9.58% increase
for the past 12 months. Regarding media, the response to ads placed in
newspapers and newspaper flyers in the month of May gave us a 0.32% re­
sponse. Very low indeed.