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Attorney General
of California:
AmI in it for the money?
AFrankOpen Statement of My Financial Condition
such as
you have never read. The
State of California, through
your office, launched a mas­
sive armed attack against the
WorldwideChurch of (;od, its
porate entities, myself and '.\ . 1r.
Stanley R. Rader.
F.iiht -column ne�':-.paper headhne:-.,
T\. and radio nt>wscasts blared anoss
the nation the faJ,.e al legation 1hat I,
with i\1r. Stanley R. Rader, had been
�1phnnin� otf millions of d111\ars even
�·ear from church funds for nur private
S,,1• ,
, . aftt:>r mnrr than a H'iH and a half. rw
!'\ldPnd' ,,f an\ wruni,(d,,1nj,l' ha� heen !,,und, . ,·et
\'•HI han• no! dP.!Hf'rl ,lllT Koud namt"a.
[\' . .
:, \lme the- pe1>j.)\t< Kn<>..,. 1t\e- 1RI ·n1'
e I !wen in thP wc,rk ,,t '
tht li"'
lnK (;(){) thP�P
Cd ,.-ar, f11r 1•,hctl I l'
11dd (;ET ,,u1 ,,t ,(' If <Hll .
h, He �1artPd a rel11(1uus v.,,rk f
,r pri•ate [Htflll
!hf'\ ha:,·
p 'parm•d thi-ir l;-,��un tht> h(ird Lia, 1
h's time the puhlit' Knows !he true facl�
and for what ptirpose. did ( /pan• 1he wnrld ,ll
mammon tor tht- world LJf hardship and perseru
!wn'' \.\.'hat ha,·e I "GOTTEN'" out of it'' How
much do I have now� How ml1ch does �tanley
Hader ha,·
e now" I now lav m�· life hare bt'fore
!he publ11
I had heen oub,tand1ngly sucressful as a
y,mng man m achertisrnl(". In my own uthce ·
Chlvago· � downto.,...n Loop I was making. before
al,\e ·io, on the 19Xfl-dollar value. more than
.'S, 17.1.DOO per vear
Then, at age :l-t, the livini,: (;od ,,pened my
t'�·es in as.t,,mshment to His TRllTH
I QUf'stioned
the Pxister.ce of Cod-hut now i t was pron•d lo
me I found PRO\ Ell the inspiration and authori
tv of tht'Holy Bible as the Word of GOD to man
I .,..,t,; s-hod1.ed bt>vond ""'ords to see proved that
thp orthodux rel1�iuus tearhing of mv rhildhood
and vouth was !he \'
f'rV antithesis of Cod's
TR\OTH re...ealed in His W,}rd'.
In this authoritative re\ ·elation I came to !lee
that, ;itripped of academic and theological lt'T
minulottY, there exist just TWO IIIA\'
S of life' One.
redured to s1mple�t lerm'I, 1s the wav of
··iJF.T' "--the wav of self-C'enteredness, thf wa"
of ·' J"m in it for what
C'8n ··GET"-of vanity.
ru\·etnusness. envy, jealousy. competitLCm, <;trife.
\iolence and rebelllon
The other-GOD'S wav of life-is ··Cl\"E"-­
outlfowmg LO\I! and concnn for the good and
welfare of
ithers the w&y of LOH to (;OD and
LuliF. to ne · 1gh'rnJr equal to M>lf-cuncern.
F.,·ery evil in this world has be-f"n rnused by
of hfe - in violarion of the Law
of COD'
Cl)d put it m ffi'\o ' hesrt tn wan! to t,IVE this
amazing has1c rfWTH to as many as I l'ould
reach In my rnnvt>rmm, ;;pring of 1927, I did nut
Just ··t;ET"'-that is. , . receive, , - , Jesus Christ He
led me to do far morf'-lo "Cl\'
E"' this sinful
se!f to Him, who had bought and paid for it with
His �htd life·� bluod� -that in His power I might
· ' G]\"E" Hts precious HWTH and undersund­
ing--the.l I might :.HMU His.truth a.Mi salvation
with as many 11s He mad{' possible'
I gave up the business life and its material
rewards. [ studied diligt>ntly Hi11 Word. as He
the great Gwu : gav,e m@ to undenitand' Several
Ht.Hflt'RT W ARMsTR0-.1:
\'ear<. later. lam1u,.,. l9:l4. l heiJ:&r<. on ri-.t1'K,
,;1\tNc; Hi;,, prec1nus truth over radio. I had to
'"-IHI in litnat povnty- frorn nothing of this
w11rld"s )<'.<�id:. but rich in FAJ1'H
I had but one
rair iJf -.hoes rh,.\ ·
ere -·righteous · ·--with
holev ,mies" I had a suit for every day in lhe
week - the rhreadhare (,ne l was wearrng was 11
I had no car I "wned no home. but patd $7 per
m..nth rent
prearhed .Jesus Christ and Him crncified­
and I prodaimed Him as (�od's di,.·
ine Messen­
�er ""ho hrnu,:ht the prec10w1 Gospel MesSAge
from (;oot" man!
preached the most difficult
lt'8t'hini,:: and dortrtne in all the world's Chris
tianitv to alYept' And I �tarted with a definite
p,lliLy that cuntinues to this day-I would not
"olit'll !he- puhlK for money-and I would never
t harge for the fRtlTH nor proselvte--set>k to G!T
members from other church@s.
could never be
W..uld e1m·nne start out with the most hard
tu arn•pt l!'B(·hm�s of God lo mske monty
D1,e;; that make �ns.e" It was a duetrmal truth
th,H fur . ).l vears hu brought opposition. Pf'rM·
l " Utti.n, fal�e accusation
It's no way to make
, let me tel\ \ 'OU
I dt'\·
.,ted m\ life tu "'Gl\'
ING." \h: familv
....t'nl rlun�n �nd
do mean llterally -Ht:NGRY
That .,.. a,, ,,nl\·
part of the prln• ,.·illingly pald for
the pm·
ilef,(e of 1;(\ '
INC {;uct's truth and way of
L•IH 1n a
11,,· ,,rld adjusted
;• But you
had learned something
the TRl'E vu1 ·�s
the ,p1ntual rewards far excelled tht' mone
larv and material'
Tht- lL\·
mg t'hrist blessed this Work in marvel
1111-. ""'avs Faith was rewarded Pra"·
ers wt're
ort.,lln,·d' This Wurk nf the living ·God was
pr(,spered h .;,eem.-d slow. let h, , e,·
ef1/ yrtrd­
!-ltu·k. of mea�urement, it c;REW at lhe rale of 30
perrenl p.-r year for 35 HAils!
In J<H7 the 1Lv1n!l'. God founded through me m)'
fir,t n,lle�e It had to � founded un ;heer
FAITH 11,,1th no tin,1ncial int'olT'lewhat.�oe\ ·er that
1,1,as n,)t J:re::ich "blii:-ateJ for radio time 1 rnd lither
operatinJ,! expen�e!'i Hy fAJTH it 5urvived
I tnrorpnraud the Church and college in a
manner 10 prevent myself from financial xain
other than proper remuneration for services
employed first an attorney who had
been l'2. vea� e.n &Horne,· ln the lnternal Reve­
nue �er�·ice 1n Wuhinglon,
For my own
salary l appointed a committee of thre,e-this
attorney from the IRS, and two Church mem­
beN not related to me. to ! my personal
(11mpensation The WtJrk of r.od grew at a rate
prubahly unmatched. In due time God allowed
me !o he responsible to Him for handlmg
millions of dollars annuallv of His money'
Ahoul a quarter of a rentury ago
came lnto
,·,intact \o\-1th Mr Stanlev
Rader, a \'
hrill1ant young cert1hed Public account.ant. I
employed him tu estahlish at nur Pasadl'na.
('elif.. hl'!ldquarters !I punrture-proof accuunl
IOK s�stem--to gu11rantee hone11ty tn handling
(;,i,d·s mone,1
�1r Rade; then graduaLed from the
Srhno\ w1th the highetit gradH on record. The
Yale Law Srhool awarded him a Sterl11'\i Fellow
;-,hip. and all doors in th,e legal profession were
upene,d to him He is a member of the California
Bar But he wa11 wurking more and more with us
1n a professional capa,·ity and he preferred
�tay with the Churrh of God
�ome years ago we asked Mr Rader if he
would commit his full �nergiN to us. He had an
eslahiished well-paying law practic,e and C'PA
bu..,iness. Neither Mr. Rader nor member-s of his
family were then members or the Worldwide
\hurch of Gnd h ,s ,mdt:n.Ulndl!lble \hat ht: did
not want to lower the living standard of his
family We agreed to pay him at a rate l'Qual tu
his income at the time. It waa the h1ghe11t
"'salar;,··· well above my own
am r•minded uf
a large milling company in Minneapolis that
used to have for the advertising slottan for
tlour--··Cost"s \1ore-W01tTH IT'"
Rolls Royre
rar costs more-but re-mains like new :lO or 4,0
years-chea�r in the long run. God uys ··the
laborer is worthy of his hirf' "
Mr Rader's type of s�cialized talet'lt. ability,
trainln1, and ex.pertise, mev bl!' worth a little
more, but God's Work hu ne-eded 1t! Today, Mr
Rader and one of his daughters are bapt12ed
members--and the whole family i11 firmly loyal
to God·s Church at heart
Now, TODA'I. after all these yeats. WHAT DO I
HA\'! -- WHAT DOlS Mit. RAD!R HA\"I
The IRS recently has gone over with B fine
tooth comh examining both our pen.onal finan­
cial arcoun�-and approved them
have In the world today is my home in
Turson. Ariz.. bought 3' 1 years ago with a small
down payment and a 20-year !nan stcured by
murtgage. the UIE' of a 1-year-old car and a
checking account in the hank. My wife owns a
car. ,;ome clothes ,md some jewelry that
wi1h personal funds, after La1e1 and uthN and
lhurrh offerings. I o....-n the clothes on my
back-iHAT IS ALL
\Ir. Rader has a bat'lk account about double
mlne . his home m Pasadena. and is buying an
interest in a small hor!l.e ranch in Tucson. His
wife has some m.-..ney in her own name, inherited
from her familv-not from the Church
. Jt>�us Christ ·sutfered persecution-was finally
put to death on te!l.t1mon\' of false wltne!lses. He
,;aid that if they persecuted Him, they would
persecute those who follow
Fur .) : 3 vearsnn""'I ha\·e lived a life de� ' oted to the
prinnple of ··GI\"E"-but those who
ii di accuse falsely !!indpersernte thosewhoGl\'E
Whenthewhole worldturns to 1he Gl\'
Ewav ofliff'
therewillbe PUC£ un thiswar-weary earth
Pastor General
Worldwide Church of God
If readers wish to know more about the true U)SP�L MESSAGE
proclaimed by Jesus Christ. request, rREE, the eye opening book
let, Ju!lt What Do 'l"ou Mean-KINGDOM OF CODI Also you
may rM""eivt ,flu-no 1u'-cription price-Th,, Ptaui Trulh. a
monthly magnine of UNP!:RSTANDING in full color. It hu a
worldwide rirculation, in five languqes. in exress of two million
rnpie!'. per month. There's no follow -up nor reque�t fur money
Wr1U the Worldwide Church of God, Puadenl, Calif., 91123,
or call t.:ill-frtt, (800) .f.2:J-"444. In California caU collect (213)
I( you hav,e .ame que11tion1 for the attorney general of the
1tate of California, .....-rite to him, The Hon. Geor,I' Deukmejian,
California Attorney G�nerel, MS Capitol Mall . Sacramento.
Calif., 95814
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