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to those of us in the field ministry. It really helps in figuring out how
to handle some of the difficult situations we face. Many times we just
have to hope we did the right thing, and it helps to know how Mr. Arm­
strong handled a similar situation.
DETROIT, MI--EARL H. WILLIAMS: A big "Thank You" to Mr. Armstrong for
writing to us his experiences in dealing with people as a Pastor. Please
tell us more as you have time. Your advice is greatly treasured.
PHILADELPHIA, PA--CARLOS E. PERKINS: Although nothing dogmatic has been
said about dates, the recent comment by Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong concern­
ing the possibility of the Work ending in a matter of months has stirred
a great deal of anxiety and concern along positive lines.
ELKHART, IN--RAND MILLICH: The Church reacted very positively toward Mr.
Armstrong's comments concerning how close we are to the tribulation and to
the return of Jesus Christ. The vast majority are strongly backing the
Work of God and realize how much this world needs God's intervention.
CINCINNATI EAST, OH--R. SHORTY FUESSEL: Things are going very w�ll in the
area. No unusual problems or bad attitudes. Just the regular hnman pro­
blems. Everyone enjoyed the Putnam interview. Feast fever is beginning
to build as people finalize plans, get their tickets for flights, etc.
The enthusiasm and support of Mr. Armstrong is high--everyone conscious
of shortness of time.
TAMPA, FL--BRADY VELLER FOR RON LOHR: More people are expressing interest
in prophecy and are showing an increasing awareness that we have but a
short time left to finish the Work. Also, it is my subjective opinion
that God has recently in this area been working circumstances in many
people's lives in order to test their loyalty and responsiveness to His
government. This seems to especially be coming true among a number of
people who have striven to avoid surrender to God's government in the past
and have limited their Church involvement only to Sabbath service attend­
PITTSBURGH EAST, PA--DON J. LAWSON: There is more enthusiasm in the
Church here than ever before. People recognize the leadership of Mr.
Herbert W. Armstrong and can seem to feel the age we live in. I would say
that now people are totally behind the Work. There are no longer the
negative questions we once had.
MOREHEAD, KY--RAY WOOTEN: People seem to be more excited about the truth
of God and show more interest in learning and obeying it. They enjoy Mr.
Herbert Armstrong's Bible study tapes.
BIRMINGHAM, AL--KENNETH M. MARTIN: Overall, things are positive! The
brethren really appreciate the sound leadership of Mr. Armstrong during
these days of prophetic upheaval. Attendance is up! God is blessing His
people in spite of the recession.
MEMPHIS, TN--ROWLEN TUCKER: I have heard many favorable comments about
Mr. Armstrong's recent doctrinal statement concerning "Porneia." Many
feel the Church is addressing an area of past permissiveness concerning
the family and seem encouraged to see Mr. Armstrong stabilizing the Church