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God knew it. I know that God moved me here; I was not even a resident
of California when this thing hit us."
Emphasizing the importance of the singular act of counting the cost, Mr.
Rader then referred to the parable of the sower in Mark 4 and the seed
which had no root: '"When affliction or persecution ariseth for the
word's sake, iITUTiediately they are offended.' We have those people. The
first sign of affliction, the first sign of persecution and they fly
right out of the window. We are told that that will happen. But it is
good, it's not bad.· It is good. It separates the chaff from the grain.
It gets out the lukewarm; very important. We're told it's going to be
that way so it should be no surprise to us. But Mr. Armstrong counted
the cost."
And it is sad, but true, that there may still be people with us who have
eyes and see not and ears and hear not--who still do not understand the
events of the last 18 months. So, these people, whoever they are, remain
doubting Thomases about various phases of the Work. As Mr. Rader said,
"And every time there is a new tremor, a new affliction, some new bit of
persecution, they waiver. But we know that we will be persecuted and we
know that we will be saved. So I don't know why any of those [events]
should be considered [in a negative light], any persecution of that type.
To me it has always been a sign that the work is getting done�"
* * * * * *
Local Churches of God from up and down the state of California were rep­
resented on the first Sunday of July at the second annual "4th of July
picnic" in Pasadena. Over 5000 members joined in the festivities which
can only be described as a grand success. You will want to read about
the imaginative and varied day of activies that offered something for
everyone. The Worldwide News will be tellinq you about this day which
underscored the Church's unity in a fun-filled and relaxed atmosphere.
At the end of the day brethren gathered on the mall and on the crosswalks
of the reflection pool in front of the Auditorium between the Hall of
Administration and Student Center. As the buildings' shadows stretched
and yawned long and wide, Mr. Rader spoke to the brethren about the Work,
the freedom we enjoy and the state agency which still threatens to snatch
them both away.
Mr. Armstrong's Latest Ad Introduced
Mr. Rader began by thanking Mr. Armstrong for making the day possible and
acknowledging God's role in making this day the success it was. He then
noted that while we were enjoying the day's activities, Mr. Armstrong was
hard at work on his latest full-page newspaper advertisement which was
then transmitted by facsimile machine to Pasadena late in the afternoon.
Mr. Rader then proceeded to read it to the brethren.
The ad is addressed to the Attorney General of California and some of
the copy reads as follows: