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the Work. We must speak with one voice. And when we speak with one
voice we have much power. And in the end I think you will see how that
power is amplified so many times by the Almighty God."
We Must Not Hide Our Light
Referring us to Mark 4:21, Mr. Rader stressed that we cannot keep our­
selves hidden. A candle is only useful as it is allowed to emit its
light. Referring back to Acts where Paul was brought before Festus and
said that the Work had not been done in a corner, so it is with God's
Work today! It certainly hasn't been done in a corner either.
"But by the same token," said Mr. Rader,"this is a much bigger country
today than that particular environment where Paul and others and even
Christ were confronting [others] at that time. It's a much bigger world
and there are many things that attract the attention of all of the
people that we have to reach if this announcement is going to be heard,
and be heard by people in such a manner that they will have understood
and have had a real opportunity to heed it....Now, when the Worldwide
Church of God is mentioned, people know what it is and they are more
curious to find out [more] about us....
"So our name, even though it has been sullied and although we have been
slandered and we have been libeled, the public is now aware of us and
it is our duty to walk through that door. That's another door that has
been opened. And we can continue there in Mark 4:22 because it says,
'For there is nothing hid, which shall not be manifested; neither was
any thing kept secret, but that it should come abroad.'
"And these things are being heard. And nothing will be secret very long.
We have plans to make even those things which we have kept from the
almighty Attorney General known to other people. He'll be the last one
to get it in the manner that he wants to get it. Everybody else is
getting the information but him. We are making it available to other
people on a confidential basis and in one manner or another we will get
the information out to people, and pretty soon they will all realize that
the Attorney General and the bureaucrats and the judges have attempted
to do something very dastardly--something that militates against their
interest as well as our interests."
Incredible Parallel
In the course of relating the news of the Work and giving the brethren
many insights, Mr. Rader embarked on what almost seemed like a parable
in order to illustrate a point. But it has a surprise ending. Here it
"I'd like to read you a little something here that is kind of interesting.
Just follow these facts. There was a worldwide firm whose headquarters
was in Pasadena, California, and the head of that worldwide firm asked
one of its key people to move into a larger house in Beverly Hills,
California. The founder of this Pasadena-based worldwide company felt
that this would enhance the company's image and enable the company to
more properly entertain its guests
happened to come from all over
the world.