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Page 6
Now, after some twelve years of tearing down what Christ had built,
once again new members are coming in--Church GROWTH is once again, during
1980, up to a 30% increase--as it was for 35 long years!
Today GOD ALMIGHTY, and the living JESUS CHRIST are very much IN THE
It is truly the CHURCH OF GOD--not the "church of PEOPLE!"
Jesus said, "I am the vine, ye are the branches ...without me ye can
do NOTHING!" (John 15: 5.)
Mr. Armstrong Expresses Appreciation to Letter Writers
Recently some of the letter writers in the Personal Correspondence Depart­
ment of the Mail Processing Center wrote Mr. Armstrong personally. He
appreciated hearing from them and responded by writing them a letter. They
are among the unsung who loyally labor along with the rest of us in help­
ing hold up Mr. Armstrong's arms in fulfilling God's Great Commission to
His Church. With Mr. Armstrong's permission, we wanted to share his
letter to them with you and, perhaps, consider for a moment their valuabJ.e
contribution to the Work in serving those who needed this "personal touch"
in understanding God's way of life.
To Members of the
Mail Processing Center:
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! for the letters from you people. I
appreciated them beyond words!
You people are a MOST IMPORTANT department of the Work of the
living God� I could not possibly answer personally all the letters
coming in to me from members, viewers, listeners and readers of our
publications, books and booklets. Yet it is a vital function that
they be intelligently answered. I THANK GOD that He has prepared
for His Work a well-informed and competent staff for this important
From those of you who wrote, I was pleased to notice you show
you are well informed in what to write, and you write in an
excellent style--plain, simple, to-the-point, smooth-flowing, in
plain and simple language understandable by even the partly educated.
I'm glad you avoid "the language of scholarship'' which requires an
interpreter for average readers. You're doing an excellent job.
Jesus Christ is pleased, and so am I.
Gratefully, in Jesus' name,
Herbert W. Armstrong
(Continued on Page 8)