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I could cite you any number of examples of where this actually has
been done by leaders under me in the Church. This was done to justify
watering down GOD'S TRUTH, and the true teaching and doctrine He had put
in His Church through His chosen Apostle! That was done in Ambassador
College, until it was no longer GOD'S College. They wanted a college
approved by SATAN'S world--they called it "accreditation," although we
had already had GOD'S accreditation--the HIGHEST accreditation. I had to
start Ambassador College all over again, with one freshman class! Now,
once again, we have GOD'S accreditation--but we don't want the anti-God
accreditation of Satan's world!
I thought immediately of the time when God told His prophet, Samuel,
to go to the house, or ranch, of Jesse. God had chosen one of Jesse's
sons to be GOD'S chosen King over Israel. Jesse knew right away which
son people would choose--his eldest son. He was stalwart, handsome, with
a charming, outgoing extroverted pesonality, and articulate. He looked
like a leader. But God said to Samuel, "No, he is not MY choice."
The second son was almost as handsome and had the appearance of a
leader. God said, "NO!" The third and so on.
"Have you no more sons?" asked Samuel.
"Well, no--except only for a stripling of a youth who is out in the
field shepherding sheep."
"Well bring him," said Samuel. In came the youth none of the people
would have chosen, the lad David. "He is the one I have chosen-
God. "The ETERNAL seeth not as man seeth; for man looketh on the outward
appearance, but the ETERNAL looketh on th4!heart" (I Sam. 16:7).
Man does not see things the way God
God says, "There is A WAY
which seemeth right unto a man, but the eliil6tthereof are the ways of
DEATH"! (Prov. 14:12.)
As to how MAN looks at it--how MAN would choose, God says, "Lean not
unto thine own understanding" (Prov. 3:5).
How did GOD prepare the one HE had chosen �o lead YOU--His Church of
our time? I had to learn and admit that what I believed was ALL WRONG!
I had to give� MY ideas, beliefs, opinions, and ways. I had to allow
God to sweep !!!.Y_ mind clean, so HE could fill it with HIS Truth.
Now IF this truly IS the Church of GOD and not of THE PEOPLE--if GOD
is not only very much IN the picture, but FIRST and AT THE HEAD of it,
UPPERMOST in our minds--then H O W does GOD run �operate 1t? H O W did
He raise up this generation or succession of it?--just as God ALWAYS has
done when raising up anything through humans. How is that?
All of God's calling and election of humans in His great overall
SPIRITUAL PURPOSE FOR MAN started with ONE MAN--Abraham. All the prom­
ises, both material and national, and spiritual, were made to and come to
us through Abraham--promises passed on to Isaac and Jacob who, with
Abraham, became "the fathers."