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Page 6
An Open Letter
to California's
Attorney General
publicly anrl
officially accused us of
pilfering, mis­
using and misappropriating
assets of the \Vorldwide
Church of Cod, Inc., on a
ma.s!->i\'f' scalP amounting to �ev­
eral million dollars per year; of
rondurting a massive liquidation
of Church proper! ies at prices well
below market value in order to
facilitate this emhezzlement; of
denying Church members access
to records or financial informa­
ti<rn; of refusing to prepare Church
accountings; of remo\'illg, :--hred­
ding and destroying documents in
order to conceal evi<lence of this
You have ass;=iulted and seized, pil­
h1ged anrl raped the \\'nrldwi<lP Chur('h
of Cod, thrown it intn n•cei\'f'r'ihip,
rifled ;:rnd eonfi�catPd its innnmost
re<'ords and 1nt\ict':'d millinns of dollar's.
o\' damagf' apon 1hf' f'hurrh ,mrl i\:-.
In an official document to thr lalifor
nia Supreme Court, you have statf'd
that the t'hur('!l j_,; merely a nominal
\\'hy pur:<-.ue, desecratf' and destroy
the ('h1urh'.'
isn't it true that your charges are
Thc1.t when put to your prnof nf
"mas:<-.ive liquidatinn" and <lPstrndion
of record�. for examplP. :,;ou came up
empty-handt:>d ht'fore a court 1)f ' ynur
own chonsing?
Isn't it trur and hence. ynur drnrges
fal�e that the rnas:,;;i\-'f' quantitiC's of
re1.. ·onh-. that you sei1.€'d illegalh.1 and
rartf'd otf wholPsa\e, dl:-.clnst>d detailed,
int:'liculous and certified a,Tountin�s.
gning hack for more than �O vears'?
1 sn·1 lt true, and h€'n<'t> yom t:hargh
are fa\,;p, I hat seven weeks of prohing hy
the receiv
>· r\: agents, including a nation-
al lirtn nf t"nl ihC'd tnthlic au·mmrn.nts
fihowrd that the ( 'hurch\ cnmputerized
ac(-r-111ntlng .,_\.StPm w;1<.; nnr 111 the firw...;t
in r�u· nation .uul rew
aled nn P�idf'11ce
of r-rnbenlPrnent, 111i...;;1ppr11priati(ln nr
pilft•ring a� \'OU fa[:-:c!.v chargPd'l
hn·1 il tme l\1at tht' nn\y '\ , iphnning
otl and piltE'ring' · ynu cnuld com€' up wl1h
C'Oni-,.i,;.ho.d Df the Ch11rd,'s ex\wn<litnre:, tu
SPnd the Churf'h·s:.. Pa--1or (�rneral anrl
ollicns int11 foreign nations in pursuance
of r he Church's priinarf ('Ommi:-sinn to
spre,1d tlw Co,;pel of ,JesuS, Christ to the
world as a \.l.·itnf's:-
:, .and that in further
arwe nf this iomrni:.::."'ion it 1rnld ,expPnses
of it� l'astor (;Pnt>n-d and rhurch offi
rlab; met with. i:'ntertained anrl recei1:ed
t'orei�n clignilariPs and hea<l"' or :-t< . 1.
te in
thr marw. man . _ cO\mlr\(',; around 1he­
td•1be that were \'(sitPd in the l�nurse ol
1hl:.::. Work nf the Cnsppl; purrhased an<l
prPSf'llt('d Rifts tu such dignitaries appro
priMe tn the O('fHsinns"
J: . ,n·t it a}�o lrue that thP entire ml:'m­
bero;hip of thP Church ha"' lwen fully
a<lvi�ed roncnning lbese activities on
irn on�oin}! /,a<.;i.c; and has demrinslnHed
its foll suppnrr for fh('ln?
I-;n't it true Ihat ii w,'l � m't e\·pn nef"e:e;­
s-.ary tn tile <.;Oib \o a�n·rta\n the;-:..t- fcwts · )
f:...n't it trut' I hat we document I hem
proudly in our ('hurd1 puhli('a(ions?
I�n't it true that your real purpn'-£>, as
you ha·vp ufticially prodalmed in ynm
civil e1implaint, ic, that you wish·
I . To e:,:;,t.-ihlish supnvisor_v cnnl n,l
nwr all ChurrhP.'i an,l to p_,tah!ish tlwl
all Chun-h prnpnty is State property
"2. Tn rlP-r-idP what is anrl what is rn1t c1
re.-u , nnahle expendituH• of Church
fund,-;; to dt'cide what is
. . not 11
permj..,_- ,ifJ/t>
'hurch nr religious pur,mc;e
ur religi1111 ...: ;1l'1i\.il .
v · �
L Tti dt
c lcfr how C'hurdws may he
permi11t- rl to :--pread their faith: anrl hm,v
far l heir repn
.-:rnf <11 ivr-s may jo11rnpy fo
,.,pn.•ad tlw (;(1"- JWL in what st�lf' and
\\·hi,m !ht'\ ma\" se�,"
GOD HAS f'ONTI:>,;CED' \·11u lileci your lav.sult, we have
nmtinurd 11ur g:reat commission tll take
the (;o,.,pel a"· a v . itnf>ss to all nation!l
({\ ' fate. ::.t:I-ti- ffrrhert \\. Armstrong-.
( 'hrlst\ ..
\pll< and thf• Pa�tor Ceneral,
and I haw ,., i�itlc'<l l\1kvn an<l have lwen
recfliw•d h_\· the prime tniniste-r in pri,
\'att.> auc.!ience; ancl we haH, spoken
helore :.::.l•nior mernhn� nf tlw ,)aparwse
[)it'1 and of thP .
Japane,;e Foreign Ott-ire
as well as sf'ninr memb('n; of rhe .fopa,
nr�e lhph1mati.c- Corp�-. we ha-\'e \."\sited
Tunisia anrl '.\.forur -co anrl. we have mf't
and rnnferred with the primr mini�ter:-,
u{ .\1urN·co and Tuni.'-ia.
lh•rhnt \\ - '. Armstrong and I ha.. - e
�1--;o jPurnevPd t11 China---- the first rep.
re:.::.f'ntafr,.-e� to be s0 invited from the
w11rld of Chri�ti.anitf in more than
yrMs In pr,1pagate the (;nspel or ,Jesus
Chri:.::.t: and the Church has already
entnp<l int(I proto('o)s with the g:overn­
rnerit of rht' J
enp!e"s Hepuhlic of Chin,1
for thf' purpose of bringing ahout hetter
unrlrr�tnnding ht>tween the peoples of
China ancl the peoples of the United
'e ad\\,,._e ynu ()\-
- Wnly, \ha\ '-NE' v.;\.\l
continue tll pursue the�e artivitie:-, for
the purpose of fultilling the great com
mission . vou sn willfu!!_v choose to char­
actf'rize .is "siphoning and pilfering."
We urge yon onre again to take yom
h,rnd frnm the thrnat of our Church and
cea�e �Lmrle-ring the Church and it�
m('mlwrs while mi�!Pading thf' public
:-;J'!\'\LF't R RAPER
\\'orldv.:ide Churd1 of Cnd