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The 15 card holders sent in the introductory package were barely
enough for the small Klamath Falls Church. Interest is very high
in the program and we need the additional card holders A.S.A.P. for
Medford and the Coast area. Your speedy response will be matched
by our distribution!
Fred David, Pastor
Klamath Falls, OR
We here in the Tampa congregation are very enthusiastic about the
new waiting room subscription program. Several people in the Tampa
congregation had their first contact with God's Work in a waiting
room by way of a PLAIN TRUTH placed there by someone.
Jack Fike, Newsstand Coordinator
Tampa, FL
As we mentioned last week, we are at full steam here in Pasadena trying to
keep up with the demand for materials for the various programs.
--Publishing Services
The letters this week show an enthusiastic response to The PLAIN TRUTH
and our booklets. The article, "The Movement to Destroy the Family,"
which appeared in the May issue of The PLAIN TRUTH, generated many letters
of appreciation. Then, there are several comments from readers who men­
tion how certain booklets have helped them in their Christian growth and
--Mail Processing Center
Article Sparks Concern for Families
This last PLAIN TRUTH stressing the family is so timely! I've just
read in today's Houston Chronicle an article entitled, "Two-becoming­
one marriage idea can be destructive, says pastor." Truly the U.S.
is doing everything to tear down God's building block. So, unless
we make a complete "turn around," the nation is doomed.
--Cynthia C. (Corrigan, TX)
We read your interesting article in The PLAIN TRUTH magazine, "The
Movement to Destroy the Family." Are we too late? This should be
put out as a first alarm to all of the people of the United States.
Back in 1927, in the spring, I read an article in a magazine called
the Blue Book. It is now out of print. Similar to the Redhook of
todaY:--It stated that the government would have to take over the
schooling and instruction of our children, out of the hands of the
parents as the parents would not be intellectually sufficient to
teach their children in a few years to come. Fifty-one years later
they think that day has come!
--Peter F. & Vesta B. (Reno, NV)