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and deceived world." Mr. Kennedy commented how impressed he was that such
a major world power as the Republic of China chose to invite Mr. Armstrong
to be the first religious leader from the outside world to visit them and
teach them.
After the KFBK interview, Mr. Rader was driven to San Francisco where, on
this same day, he was invited to be a guest speaker on KGO Radio. KGO,
an ABC owned-and-operated station, is one of the most powerful and wide­
ranging radio stations in the western United States. Its signal spans
the West Coast, from the Canadian to the Mexican border.
For an hour and one-half Mr. Rader was interviewed on the Jim Eason Show.
Mr. Eason, who subscribes to The PLAIN TRUTH and is a donor to the Church,
wanted to know what business it is of the Attorney General how the Church
spends its money. Mr. Rader replied, "If George Deukmejian will come out
of the closet, he will someday have to admit that he has no business
trying to interfere in a Church where 93 percent of its Church members
and its financial base are outside the jurisdiction of the State of
California. Deukmejian thought he was attacking a piece of paper, a
weak religious corporation that would collapse under the weight of his
pressure," Mr. Rader commented. "What he didn't realize was that he was
attacking a spiritual body composed of highly dedicated, committed and
converted members who believe deeply in the work this Church is doing.
As one person so astutely observed, 'If Deukmejian wants to control a
church, why doesn't he start one of his own?'"
As Mr. Rader answered the questions posed to him, the time seemed to fly
by. But by the time the two days of interviews were over, he had artic­
ulately and openly demonstrated the integrity and wisdom that God gives to
his servants. He had clearly stated the goals and commission of this
Church and upheld Mr. Armstrong's office as spiritual leader and Apostle
of God's Church. In a frank and unabashed style, he showed the world that
we "have nothing to hide. We are a Church that can be proud of our
objectives and the motivation behind it."
Jim Eason's final comment at the end of the show, while millions listened,
was that "I don't know of any religious leaders who would have the courage
to sit in this studio today and face the arena of questions and cross­
examinations that you have had to endure." Mr. Eason went on to say, "You
have done a commendable job of representing the Church and its spiritual
leader whom you serve. Thank you for being with us today."
* * * * * *
Dr. Eugene Scott, featured speaker and director of a church-owned UHF TV
station (KHOF) in Glendale, California, invited Mr. Rader to be a guest on
his program, "Festival of Faith," last Wednesday night, June 25th.
Rader and Mr. Helge previously appeared on Dr. Scott's show early last
A year or so before the state moved against God's Church, Dr. Scott
and his church also came under attack by the Attorney General. And so in
January 1979, Dr. Scott came to the Church's aid by speaking out strongly
against the Attorney General's abuse of office. He even announced where
brethren and others could send tithes and contributions to Mr. Armstrong
when the receiver was demanding all monies be sent to him.