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this program will be open only to ordained ministers. A number of
the courses (or certain sections of courses) will be specifically
designed for the ministers enrolled in the program.
The following two new programs should be of special interest to the
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members of your congregations:
The Diploma in Biblical Studies
A one-year (thirty unit) undergraduate level (non-degree) program
leading to a Diploma in Biblical Studies will be open to qualified
high school graduates and college students. This program is designed
to provide biblical understanding and to promote spiritual and personal
development. Students will acquire the essence of the educational
experience which has been distinctive to Ambassador College.
The diploma program is primarily oriented toward the young people of
the church; that is, the college age men and women who traditionally
have attended Ambassador College. In addition to formal coursework,
there will be numerous extracurricular opportunities including social
activities, men's and women's clubs, recreational athletics, personal
counseling, and career guidance.
Qualified students may enter the program immediately after high school
or during their college years (either in summer sessions or regular
academic year).
The Master of Arts in Religious Studies
A two-year (sixty unit} graduate level program leading to a Master
of Arts in Religious Studies will be open to qualified applicants who
hold a bachelor's degree from Ambassador College (any campus) or
other approved institutions. This program will have specializations
in church leadership and development, marriage and family counseling,
journalism, church educational programs, and youth ministry.
The main purpose of the master's program is to provide a means whereby
you,as a pastor of a congregation, can build a team of fully qualified
men and women to assist you in developing and administering the various
programs and support systems in your local area.
Anyone in your congregation who might be interested in either program
may write to the Admissions Office for application forms and information.
Those of us who have been involved in the planning and development
of the school are excited about what we are going to be able to
accomplish with these programs and feel that the new school should
be a very effective means of utilizing our educational resources.
We hope you will convey our enthusiasm to the brethren. Perhaps you
can post a copy of each brochure on your church bulletin board for
all the brethren to see.
--C. Wayne Cole, Vice Chancellor
Those of us
who have been hard at work developing the programs and curriculum for
the School of Biblical and Minsiterial Studies are quite enthusiastic