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Support for Mr. Armstrong
It is with much thanks that I send this check for my tithes and
offerings to God's Work. I know it is going to the right place and
that Mr. Herbert Armstrong is God's Apostle. Why do I know this?
Because this is the only Work that is preaching the true Gospel. Mr.
Armstrong is the only one that is warning the nations and our own
--Mark I. (Brocton, NY)
In sending money I am giving Christ's Work under His Apostle a vote
of confidence. Also I am sending it for the purpose of fulfilling
Christ's Great Commission, of proclaiming the Gospel Jesus taught to
all the world for a witness to all nations.
--Irvin D. (Elizabeth, IL)
I want to thank you for the encouragement that you gave us by your
example. Your seemingly tireless efforts to do the Work that God
has set before the Church shows the fruits of God's Holy Spirit at
work in you and the Church. We follow you as you follow Christ.
We know that it is Christ who is opening the doors to the communist
nations. We know it is Christ who has pruned the Church and is now
adding new members as people's eyes are opened to the truth. As
this civilization races towards its final doom, we know that our hope
is with the return of Christ and the setting up of the Kingdom of God.
We are all pulling together with our prayers and finances to get this
Work finished by the help and power of our Lord and Saviour.
--Mr. & Mrs. Jack T. (New Knoxville, OH)
I continually pray for you and your wife, the ministry, the Inter­
national Work, and the brethren worldwide. Remember if need be, I'll
sacrifice half of my paycheck for this most important Work on the
face of the earth.
--C.M. (Memphis, IN)
My wife, myself and my family stands solidly behind you as you en­
deavor to accomplish the "Great Mission" God has called you to do.
We know that Satan is angry at you in this end time! But we also
know that God Almighty is with you!
--Mr. & Mrs. S.G. (Azusa, CA)
This morning on the radio station WBBM (CBS), Chicago, a CBS special
segment on religion attacked you, Mr. Rader and the Church with
bitter hatred. I could just about see Satan patting him on the
shoulder. Now, more than ever, I am behind you and thank God and
you for opening my mind to the truth. What you have to say hurts,
but it's truth.
--Gary M. (Rockford, IL}