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This week the remainder of our lighting gear that will be used in the
taping of television programs should be delivered here in Pasadena. These
new lights will give off less heat than is normally directed at the sub­
ject. Therefore, these lights will appear to be less intense and will not
be as hot as the lights we've been using to tape Mr. Armstrong in the past.
There is a lot of exciting news concerning the coming Feast of Tabernacles.
Plans are being finalized to tape Mr. Armstrong the first and last holy
days and to beam his messages live via satellite and microwave facilities
to all continental U.S. Feast sites as well as those in Canada.
We are even considering sending the first holy day message live, by an
international satellite, to the British Isles feast site located in
Brighton. If we start at noon on the first holy day in Tucson, the
British site will be able to receive the message at 8 p.m. for their
evening services.
We are also planning to send an audio feed of the first holy day message
to the remaining worldwide feast sites. We will be contacting everyone
with specific details for each area. Please remember to pray for the
success of this mammoth undertaking.
Mr. Joe Tkach and those of us in Media Services are also planning to send
to the feast sites various programs on film that we hope will be both rich
and rewarding for all to enjoy. Current topics under consideration are
Mr. Armstrong's China trip, Mr. Rader's Manila press conference, a feast
entertainment musical and "A Bridge Around the World," featuring a heart­
warming and intimate look at God's people worldwide.
At Ted Herlofson's request we have sent him a 7 1/2 minute tape program
featuring Mr. Armstrong and the Work, plus some intriguing comments con­
cerning prophecy. Mr. Herlofson is using it at a fair booth in Central
California and has said that this program made quite an impact upon the
people watching it.
This 3/4" or 1/2" cassette video tape program will
be available to other ministers--just give us a call on the WATS line.
Also in the final stages of editing is a 10-minute introductory film for
mini-campaigns and public Bible lectures featuring how the Work began with
Mr. Armstrong during the days of the Depression, giving a brief history
of God's worldwide Work. Prints should be available in about three to
four weeks.
--Larry Omasta, Media Services
The demand from local church areas for the bulletin board card holders has
been so great that we have run out of supplies! We have mentioned pre­
viously in this Report about your overwhelming response to this very cost­
effective, low-key way of promoting The PLAIN TRUTH to the general public.
The cost per response is now 26¢ per new reader. As yet we don't know
how well these new readers will renew their subscriptions, but the initial
CPR is low. The real test to any of our programs in circulation is how
well the new readers renew their subscription after they have been
receiving the magazine for a period of time.
New supplies of the card holders and cards will be mailed in four to six
weeks. Sorry for the delay, but you did surprise us with the incredible
--Publishing Services