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The interview touched on many much publicized and frequently asked about
topics. Mr� Rader fielded the questions with a spontaneity and candor
that would naturally grab one's interest.
When asked about the members and how they are faring through all that has
happened, Mr. Rader took the opportunity to praise God's people and de­
scribe the positive state of God's Church today:
''The members of the Worldwide Church of God are truly unique," said Mr.
Rader. "They are a dedicated group, as you said. They are an educated
group, a highly literate group. Very articulate. And they know why they
are members of the Church. They know why this has happened because this
was very clearly prophesied for them in the Bible...and pertains to the
world now and in the future. So nothing surprises them about the persecu­
"But, as my ad mentions today [in the L.A. Times--see page 4 of this
Report], if we did not have spiritual resources, as well as the leader­
ship; financial resources, physical resources beyond the jurisdiction of
the Attorney General of this state, we would have been destroyed. But
because those spiritual and human resources as well as financial did exist
and the Attorney General could do nothing to stop them, we are not only
undestroyed, but the Church today is stronger than it has ever been be­
fore. More unified. There are more members, there are more baptisms,
there are more members in attendance every week. And the Church in every
way has grown and, in essence, prospered as a result of this persecution!"
Moving on, Mr. Putnam, speaking with unabashed feeling commented: "Now,
the point I would make is this: It seems to me as I read the facts, not
the fiction--not the allegations--but the facts in this situation, that
I find a very serious conflict of interest here among judges, attorneys,
receivers, etc!"
To this insightful comment, Mr. Rader remarked how so few reporters and
journalists had seen the real story.
"Naturally, when someone is accused
of stealing $45 million or $70 million, that is an interesting story in
itself,'' Mr. Rader acknowledged, and he said he didn't feel newspaper
people should necessarily avoid that issue. But the really critical
issue, in the final analysis, is the corrupt conduct of government offi­
cials in audacious disregard for constitutional law and the lessons of
Watergate should have taught all Americans.
Unfortunately, time and space do not allow this Pastor General's Report
to detail this interesting and informative interview. Many important
points were addressed to the public (which constitutes one of the biggest
population centers in the country). Touching on sd"'many points about the
Church, its beliefs and origin, about Mr. Armstrong and the Work as well
as the lawsuit, is reassuring.
In a great number of ways--some which we
never dreamed of (lawsuits, national ad campaigns, interviews, etc.)--the
existence of the Worldwide Church of God and its message is being brought
to the attention of the nation in a powerful way before the climactic
close of this age!