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phone call announcing that he would become the new managing editor
of the Worldwide News. He will be replacing outgoing managing editor,
John Robinson. John was responsible for getting the church newspaper
started nearly five years ago. His work and professionalism have
been much appreciated. He and his staff have done an excellent job
over the years in keeping the church up to date on internal develop­
ments and in keeping the lines of communication open. The decision
to change managing editors was made by Mr. Herbert
Armstrong and
announced by Mr. Wayne Cole this past week.
John will be taking up a new assignment to pastor the Fort Worth,
Texas church. Dexter is assuming immediate responsibility on the
newspaper. Fuller reports appear in the latest issue of the World­
wide News.
We've been having a little difficulty getting copy ready for the
August issue of the PT due to all the recent administrative and
personnel changes. NeVefrtheless it looks- like a good issue.
That's it for this time.
--Brian Knowles, Eoitorjal Services
ZAIRE: MOSCOW'S GOAL It is now o1'vious that the Russians and Cubans
had a very dirty game plan in unleashing recent carnage in Zaire's
southernmost Shaba Province.
The goal was to drive out as many of the skilled white European
mining engineers and other professionals as possible. Why? Because
the copper mines provide Zaire with about 70% of its foreign exchange
earnings. Zaire is in very shaky economic condition. Without the
mines in operation Zaire very likely could topple -- a main Communist
We know now that at least 170 whites met horrible deaths at the hands
of the Cuban-trained Lunda tribesmen. Most of the other 2,500
Europeans have been airlifted to safety, nearly all vowing never to
subject themselves and their families to such horror again. Said one
refugee, upoti his arriva-l in Brussels:
0ne thing is certain: No
white will return to Kolwezi without a permanent European military
force there. "
The Soviets, of course, denied all involvement in the Shaba chaos.
They blamed the bloodshed on France, Belgium and the United States.
The Russians remind one of the old-time wrestler on television who
always professed his innocence to the referee while the latter was
looking. But when the ref walked around the other side, the poor guy
on the mat �ot a thumb in the eye or a blow to the midsection.
SOVIETS EYE MIDEAST OIL What do the recent pro-Soviet coup in Afghanis­
tan, the Red drive from Ethiopia into Eritrea and the Saudi Arabia
purchase of advanced jets from the United States all have in common?
The Soviet Union is casting lustful eyes on �he oil fields of the
Middle East.