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�"2:NERAL'S REPORT, May 30, 1980
Page 8
I wanted to drop you a line to let you know that our prayers are
going up to the great God on your behalf. We trust our Father to
bless you with good health and His Holy Spirit to give you the
continued power to give our nation a POWERFUL witness. I've heard
a number of programs on WVJVA radio in the morning. They are dynamite.
We really appreciate hearing about Babylon and Russia and the future
of Israel.
--Mr. & Mrs. Terry H. (Oxford, NY)
For nearly 34 years I have listened to you and the things you said
would happen. They have slowly been revealed before our eyes.
--Mrs. S. G. (Mansfield, LA)
G.N. Special on Faith
The articles on faith and heroes of Hebrews in the latest GOOD NEWS
were so wonderful, I simply cannot describe them adequately.
I love
such strong food and am so thankful for all of the ones responsible,
under God's inspiration, who wrote them.
--Mrs. Morris 0. {Sylacaugo, AL)
I feel compelled to comment on Mr. Apartian's article, "Let God
Handle It" in the April GOOD NEWS. It gave me a deeper insight into
faith. I understood Noah's and Abraham's faith. But Saul and Naaman
had too much human nature for their own good. But the real point is
God said to all four of them, "Do it my way." Two did, two others
--Mr. & Mrs. George A. (Somerset, OH)
I want to thank you, Mr. Armstrong, for your article on faith in
the April GOOD NEWS. I have been studying on this subject in
connection with how powerful and creative our words are. That if we
claim with our mouths, words, the promises of God, in FAITH unwaver­
ing, we have that promise. Standing on God's Word while Satan tempts
us, is so very important for us to grasp.
--Pauline L. (Tacoma, WA)
Thank you over and over for the articles on faith in the April GOOD
God truly works through you all to give us what we need. I
am totally digesting those articles as the subject of faith has been
an area of weakness for me in the past. With God's help now though,
it will be a strong point.
--Linda D. (Tampa, FL)
Thank you so much for the article, "You Can Have Living Faith" in
the April issue of The GOOD NEWS. We are waiting for God to heal
our son of an affliction for which he was anointed several months
ago. It has been quite a test for me because I couldn't understand
why God did not immediately answer our prayer. Your fine article
has helped me to look upon this experience much more positively
and to realize that indeed I do need more patience (James 1:3).
--Member (Pasadena, CA)