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Presently we are working on some ideas to help other church areas improve
their response. The average cost per response across the board at the
moment is getting lower and still compares very well with other methods.
--Publishing Services
Letters featured this week are about the broadcast and the special April
GOOD NEWS section on Faith.
--Mail Processing Center
Response to the Broadcast
I was so thrilled to find you again after long years. I'm an 82-
year-old widow woman.
Forty years ago we had a chance for
electricity. Then the six children and I worked hard (we lived on
a farm) to get our crops gathered and ordered a radio from Sears,
Roebuck and Co. While my girls were out with their dates, I sat up
at home and listened to you at night. I want to say I'm enjoying
your message so very much and feel like you are an old friend and a
brother in Christ.
--Mrs. Stella G. (Iuka, MS)
Thank you for the wonderful message you bring to me each day on
my way to work at 5:15 each morning. None of the worries of the
day have started, and I am strengthened by your message you bring
from God. I'm just not ready for the day on the occasions, which
are rare, that I don't get to listen to you. That might be slightly
overstated, but I do feel deprived.
I need to hear what you have to say, to keep my eye on the goal
each and every day. It is too easy to slip and disappoint our
Father. Satan is always ready to pounce on you if you let your
guard down.
--Theresa M. (Harristown, IL)
Your program has created quite a turmoil in my life. I hope your
Correspondence Course will allow me to answer many questions I do
--Larry K. (Greenfield, WI)
I was fascinated by [your] program I heard recently on a local
radio station (WMAQ) Chicago. I enjoy the approach taken in
reference to today's thoughts and ideas. I feel the way they are
translated by you are much closer to the true meaning. I was not
even interested in the Bible until I heard your program.
--John S. (Sheboygan Falls, WI)