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Holy Days was like the "old days." A new high for newer members.
Spirit was poured out abundantly!
Page 4
GRAND RAPIDS, MI--WILLIAM D. MILLER: More and more evidence of "first
love" zeal being manifested in the form of service, participation in P.T.
distribution, Spokesman Club, subscription card program, and other activ-
ities. Some former members desirous to return.
DICKINSON, ND--DAN CREED: The Church seems to be very solid and growing
at this time. The brethren seem to be excited about the new PT promotional
idea. We hope to be able to work with that a lot.
ALEXANDRIA, LA--BRISCOE ELLETT, II: The overall attitude is the most
positive I have ever seen. It is obvious that God is cleaning up His
Church. So many have mentioned how inspiring the new GN's and PT's are.
New people are coming along and the attendance, though small a few sabbaths
due to bad weather, is higher than ever. God's Spirit is evident. Excite­
ment is running high looking forward to the Feast.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Recently, an announcement was made in Pasadena
asking California brethren to write their assembly­
man and request that he help pass Petris Bill SB
#1493. Please read the following memo to your con­
gregations and then post the addresses of California
Assemblymen who comprise the Assembly Judiciary
Committee (see the last page of this P.G.R.)
Recently an announcement was made in Pasadena asking all California
brethren to write their state assemblyman and request that he help pass
Petris Bill SB #1493. Some persons had questions regarding who they
should write to and about the Petris Bill itself. The purpose of this
memo is to briefly answer these questions.
In January 1979 when the Attorney General took over God's Church, he did
so by claiming that California laws pertaining to nonprofit corporations,
specifically section 9505 of the Corporations Code, applied to churches
just as if they were public charities. During that same year a new law
(section 9230) was passed that ostensibly gave the Attorney General vir­
tually unbridled powers to investigate and supervise churches, much as
he had claimed under former Corporations Code section 9505. The new law
went into effect January 1, 1980. Since then state Senator Petris
(D-Oakland), among others, has grown increasingly alarmed at the manner