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While in Kumasi (Ghana's second largest city), we went to see the
Pope. Quite an experience. He certainly has a charisma; quite
frightening really. He passed within one yard of us. He was raised
on the back of a Landrover, waving at the crowd. Then he turned and
looked right into my eyes. It seemed to last aqes, though was pro­
bably only a few seconds. Diane [Melvin's wife] said afterwards,
it was really weird. I think he was surprised to see a white family
in the midst of a sea of black faces; but also, of course, we were
not hollering like everybody else. But he looked at me so long, I
thought I had to do something and gave him a half-hearted wave back.
He is quite tall and of a strong build, but his face wasn't real.
This impression may have been due to his make-up (for T.V. cameras).
He seemed like a wax puppet, with rosy red cheeks.
But, you know, the "prophet" is already working "miracles," and
deceiving the people--the miracle was that his visit got butter and
Coke into the City Hotel; the deception--"it's enough to make you
turn Catholic." But not even a strong Pope can change Africa--the
service in the hotel (best in Kumasi) was still lousy and there was
no hot water, while all of Accra and Kumasi took three whole days off
during his visit (no mail, nothing).
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
ALBANY, OR--DAVID H. MILLS: The brethren are very inspired after the
spring Holy Days and the visit by Mr. Gerald Waterhouse. There has been
excellent support for public Bible lectures. Many are getting back on the
track in their personal lives and are sobered by world events.
DULUTH, MN--BILL GORDON: Days of Unleavened Bread were inspiring. Offer­
ings good. Church stable and growing. In-home Bible studies attended witn
PORTLAND EAST--JIM HAEFFELE: The brethren overall are very positive and
behind Mr. Armstrong. They are also very supportive of Mr. Rader and his
role in the Work.
RAPID CITY, SD--STEVE BUCHANAN: It's quite evident that Mr. Armstrong's
leadership and direction is very much needed by the Church in Rapid City.
Some have been having problems in obeying the law of Tithing, so we have
received a letter -from God's Apostle about tithing. Whatever subject that
Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong addresses fulfills a need we have in this area.
We had a good Holy Day season, with attendance at near record levels.
NORTH PLATTE, NE--DON HOOSER: Since the sermons on faith, fasting, and
healing, already we notice better attitudes, people coming back to Church,
and more dramatic healings!
AUSTIN, TX--HAROLD J. RHODES: Offerings this spring Holy Day season were
up 36% over last year!
LUBBOCK, TX--KEITH WALDEN: Attitude is good. People anxious for news of
growth in the Work and Mr. Armstrong's direction. Attitude during the