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Brethren Encour
We appreciate Mr. Blackwell and Mr. White very much. They were here
[Wilmington, Delaware church] this past Sabbath. Mr. Blackwell backs
you 100% and says so very strongly. He gave us an outstanding sermon
on Peter.
--Mr. & Mrs. R.H. (Port Deposit, MD)
I want to express my apprec tion to you for sending the team of
Mr. Larry Salyer and Mr. Aaron Dean to our church area [Hagerstown,
MD] last sabbath.
The film and the question-and-answer session
following it were informative and in
ring. Their visit left us
with a renewed sense of dedication to this great Work, and made me
aware of the fact that each of us, individually, has an important
part to p1ay.
(Martinsburg, WV)
Would like to take this opportunity to express thanks for letting
us have Mr. John Halford this past Sabbath. It was wonderful to
see and hear of other congregations around the world.
--Donald & Betty H. (Joplin, MO)
Thank you very much for allowing the team to bring the State v.
Church film to Washington, D.C. It was very enlightening and helped
us to understand what the personnel in Pasadena were going through.
--Mrs. M.T. (Washington, D.C.)
Because of Church's Publications
I would like to thank you for the wonderful literature you have
sent me these many years. Without it I would have still been
groping for answers and not finding any.
--Nettie G. (Lucedale, MS)
I am so glad God has opened my heart to give freely to Mr.
Armstrong's good work for God. His booklets have not only opened
my heart, but mind also.
--Horace M. (Detroit, MI)
We've had many trials as a family and we need every lift we can get.
It's been very hard for us raising our three sons with our great
financial needs and troubles because of sickness. But, we enjoy
all of your literature. It gives us a great lift when we read it.
--Family (Kenosha, WI)
They Ithe publications] have helped us in our daily living and
increased our understanding of the li
a Christian must lead in
these troubled times.
Mr. & Mrs. E.T. Jr. (Honolulu, HI)
For the first time in my life I have felt I received the right
books and help I was always looking for. I do hope it will be
available to reach many more like myself.
--Teresa B. (Scarsdale, NY)