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PASTOR GENERAL ' S REPORT , May 2 3 , 1 9 8 0
TheFirstAmendment. . .
Fair Prey for
OUR CH lJHCH i s he i ng
thrratened. Ours n l rf'arly iR
un<ler at lack. We are lighting the
balt.le for vm, 1
We are ·memhers of the World­
wi<le Church of God. We believe in
our Church just as you believe i n
yours. We do not proselyte. We
never solicit members. \�le NEVER
This me!lsa�e is inlf>nded t o make you
awArn ttrnt one Chur<'h---nnr� - - - i s un
Attack-- and
i f
this. nt l nck nf politirnl
corr11 1-.t.ion Sllf' C"Pedl". , VOI JRS MA'\' HF.
Don't think
rnn ' t happrn in thi"'
home or the free! It has trnppened in
Rus!!.ia! Our Church and lhe Fi rl".t
Amendment of the Com1htut.ion i s un­
derattack by the attorney
of the
Stale ofC11lifornia. That att.ack is gf'ner­
at.ed to OF.STROY our Church_ This at tack
is motivated , apparently , t.o prove that
the attorney gen,PTal , representing t.he
St.Ale of California, hes the right to in­
spect anrl cert.ify om re,ligio11s heliefs
:mrl pracli('PS
that only thosf' r£' 1 i1dous
beliers And prndices f1Ccf'pt.11hle to him
can survive in f:ahfnrniA. \\'f' sh11uld like
to ask the at torney genC'rnl whrthn t.he
name Tomils de Torquemada means
anything to him.
lfowever, our purprn:;e hPre is to nrnkewn1
aw:up of whAI i� happeninJ?, and wn,· nm
SHOlll.Tl TIF: CONf"P.RNF:O! Our Church wi l l
slanrl c1g11in:;i.f this nn!l-lA11�h l . AOmitlf'rlly,
wr hf.Jif'\' l" thr at h,rnf'y J?enf' rnl nm;,· hn•Ak
off hi s Al hid1 t1�1<insl our Chur("h if r1in•11c:h
Jtt'OJ!llc' leMn Rtld c:ue ahnut \vhri1 lw is
doing. WP hope thi,:. messRgf': will impel vou
to 1 -Rke action that will help our t:IHISI;'--And
Nnt th11I Wf> exp,rct ynn tn ciup what hnp­
prns In our Church. We ,I..-, Pxprd l.httl \'on
will nue nhoul what happen,_, nf>xl., to YOIIR
If the at.t.onwy if>nrrnl r-tm as!lunw !ht>
riihl Lo onthlw A hf>lif'f, nr Sf'I of h('liPfa.
what will prevent him from mandating a
his own rhonsing?
We will IPI I von wh!lt! Onlv thf' will of
God and our own to resist.
· J'ogrnm i!O. awnrd I hat mRy he •mfamiliRr to nwsl
American!!. It rPff'rs to the s�·slrmalic or mg11
nizerl pnsrc11tion nr drfllrudi(>n of a mim,rily
group withinR !locif'ly. Moll! often ii hll'-hi>en 11sf'rl
tn d!"!l<'rihfi T!111rist H11ssi1m 11tll1clc!> nn .!PW!<
then• . ft h11i; nnl oftrn hf'ent1se-<l in thisrmmtn·
Pogrom , howe\·f'r. mRy hr thf' 011lyword surt
11hle for ,fpsrrihini 1he ghflslly Rllarlc "n (•11r
f'.tmrrh hv the Rtlnrnf'.'y gPnf'tRl. Con'<Pr�·Mivf'
rol11mnisl .J1nn£'!l .I. Ki l
,trkk, <in March :".':") .
19M, writinji!" in the Wa�hm,:trm Slur , de!!trihP•l
it this WRV
y�11 might havf' to 2"" hRrlc Ir . !hf' rlny� of
ThomRS ,leffrrson In find II rASf' mnrr miml .hn;:
gling than lhe R.s�••lt of thr 81.Alf' of f'Aliforni11
• • •
llj•on 1hr i.l."orl,h�· iilr ( ' hur.-11 , , f ( ; . ,d
·· kffrr,;nn ' <; 1;rr11IP<;I cnnlnh11l1nn 1 1 1 t fw ,·nu
rrpl nf inrl1viduul lillf'T!\' WilS hi '< St u1 Ulf' nf Hrli
girn•" FH•erl,1m Th(' !'.'i�t:" r,f �1nnli("Plln mu�I h,,
«pinning in hi<; irnvr lnlifnmi11 "s i1wrNi1hlP 1 flit,,
nvN ,,f tht' Wmklwidf" Cht!t{·h nf (;,,d makrf:. ll
!rnvei;h· nf !hi' ,lrlfrr<:01111111 ,lodrinf' H rn·r fl
rasr prrsrnt"d n lirnn'n i,1trt1si<>n hv thP !;f!'ltf>
upnH the fp•!' f'Mrr<-isp of religic•n. this is i i · ·
\\' hat ··ih1s" isc, in rast> vm1 havP mi<:.'<P.-1 TIPWA
"tnrir!<. is thr lal:Pnvrr of our Chmrh. Again, t h r
words . , f Mr . KilpAlrtck:
"The fadA fir(' n"t f'Vf>n i1ignifin111th· in 1li?s
r11ti- T,,wnrrl U1f' t>nd r,f 1!111<. A <:.rhi-,m rlrwlnp
Prl wi ihin ! he P11<a.iirh•n11. h11,;f'I! W11rhl1<.· irlr
Chm. -11 .,f (;,.,j Th" 1•11ln11Td1<1I lf•arln nf th"
Church. .!l;f,. VNtr-old J l,...rlwrl \\ ' .·\ rm<:1 rnny.
�plil wi1h his -HI _vr11t ,,Id son (;znnrr T,•d .A rm
st r•u•,:
" l l rilf l'I tlo1P11 di��id,•111 nu•n1J.n-c of t lw
l"h11rrh comt•IFlituA la Ow f ' nlifornitt lfllorll"'I
J!f'nerr,I thflf lhf' ,:;,-..ninr ,-\rm<:::trnng ,.r1rl hi,; do<:::f'
11��rl('i11t.-. Sl11nlr\ H. lbdn, W!'H' m·nr,;tid. thar
thf'v were pilfrring Churrh pmpNI\'. thc1t lhf'\'
hri.-i nmspirP<l to <:::!'11 ( ' h11rrh prnpNtv <l.t !f's<:
th,in its fAir v11lue, l h11t they h110 <:::hr('rlrlerl
lhmrh <lncumf'nts tn pr<>vFnl thf"ir rli<:rlMmf',
an<l 1h11t '1lf'y Wf'Tr li\"ing in lnxur\' iit !he ex
pen<:r of thf' ('hurch'<::: 70.11()0 nlC'mhrr-s."
On nn morP PVi(knff' ihFln !hr rr>mplrii11t pf
thosr �ix formn Cht1r('h mPmhrrs. th>' S!FII!' nf
Calif.,rni:i rairlf'rl thP Ch•1rrh '� prnJ1rrly F1nrl
hPRrlQlllHtPrS I'll - l11nmH\" :1 , \9J!l, 11nrl ;i n
nnHnrrrl thRI a nmrl · !lppointf!d re("f!iver WA!'I. i n
Thf' rf"<"f'ii·n, ai:11in 11s Mr Kilpal rkk rlr
<:trilw�. · ·c:u11f' Fltmrrl 10, i th nn rt 1•rirtr i·ntirt
1>rrlrr dirr-c!inl! him !o tnkr po<:::�r<:::si1n1 11"11 f"f,n
lrnl nf t hr f ' hnrdi. inrhuling nll 1 i« rlQ"'f'I<:. I n
t.Ak1• 11\·t>r thf' mA11flgrmrn! nr !ht> l ' hmlh I n lhl'
rxlrnl thril hf' rlrt>mPd lll'cP<:<:ary in hi,:; snlf' rli<:.
rrf'!ion; tn <:11s. 1}{' nrl nr lf'rminalr Bt\}" rmpln_vPP,
anrl "" on. Onr nf [!hi" tf'rf'iver\! hr<:1 ads \l,'fl<: lo
fin' lhP Chnrrh'sc PXf>rHl i\'f' Sl'.-tf'tllr\'
"Fnr !.hi' nrxl «e\il'n weelc<:. nn!il (
h,irrh l('c1rl
er<:: ""f'H' ah!P ln gl'l thr rr<Pivrr,,hip liftP.-1 umln
!I $:1..1 1 1 1 i l lin11 lmnd. 11g••ul,; nf !hf' �ti1tf ' rn:mw,l
ri! will t hrou£h nr11rh· J.0110 "lf"hl'rl dn1·unwr1I<;
Thr Htt ,,n,,..�· i,tf'm•n1I 1!rm11iulPrl lhH1 f,,rmn
Churd1 nflidnl<::: Jlf<l(l1lrf' fnr jrnlirial in<;ppr,inn
nnl i,nlv fi1rnnrinl rPrord<i hut 111�0 ninlidrnti:il
p11pt>t<; hiwing lo dn with malin<:. ,,f mi11islr�·
11nrf lhPnlng-v f.,r !':lllmplr. lh" 1111puhli�h,·d
Jmg,• pnlof!< nf II m11n11s,·ripl, ' l 'he lh>rlrinrs .,f
!he \\ ' r,rldwirff' Churd, 11f 1:,>n '
"At rm pntnt has f h(' ( ' hurch hf'f'rl ,irr11sf'1I nf
;in�· injmy hi lhf' p11hlir hN1tth m !<nfetv. !hf'
lri.111 rnurt hm:. !11 Tf'<;<tf'rl thal I hf' C:h11rt h 'h;i� n11t.
hf'f'n 11rr·n<;<>d nf 1111 .�' wt11ng<lning ' Thr mo<:l sni
nu<:. Allrgalions, h11ving l o rln wilh th,... lwlnw
viilur snlr nf rl'R1 Pstnll' fnr private gRiri. hR\'f'
�e11 rli�mi<:sf'd 11s mrr,... hr11rsav
. . H is hr�'ot1rl rnm11rrhPn!<inn. . hr\'nlHI my
romprrhf'nsinn 1myhnw - - hnw thP stal f ' nf f ' ali
forni,i r11n ;is.sPTI II power h1 rnntrol wlrnt a
Churrh empl<>yN• is. pair!. ThRt i.s<;ue lir-<: nt thr
\·erv hrnrl nf this rasp ''
11 is hP�'nnrl nur r,1mJ1tl'hrnsi"n Inn Our
f'h11rrh '<::: work h11s hf'f'Jl �rrin11i1I�· rli�rnprrrl. All
twrnu<:r thr a ltnrnrv ;:<>nf' rnl hl']i,...vr�. or "Ill?<; h f'
hrlit>�·i>.s, th:il R ( ' hu�r·h"s nir>n<'�' is pt1hlir rrHt11f'\'.
m•t lhl' Chmrh 's . l h;it llw �lflil' ha< 1hr right
nnd 11hlig:11ion l•i mrik,,. s11rl' a ( ' h11rrh ' s rn,,11PV i�
,;p,rnl pmpf'rlv, and tlml l,p i� rfw prr�on who
nm rle,·irl+> v,·hBI rropn �pl'nding i<:::
A<:: Mr. l<ilpafrick nolf'fl. "11 i� npparrnlly
imm::1tn;111 th11! 11 Chm,·h , ti« in I his r:'ISP. hM
nrvrr <:::ulifilPd fonrh frnm lhP icenrrnl p11hlfr.
'111! r,...\i!'� onlv HI"' " thr fonlrihqfion� nr ils nwn
mrni!wr� sc:ilinf'rl Flrtn�« lhP rnitl"n ··
And thRI is thr wholf' crmr: of thr m;itln I i is
1 ;,,rt ' s nwnf'\" \1/e givP 11 frerlv tn oin { ' hurch
ill'( flll�f' WP \.\"fl llt to i,u,1 I"' '"' '�'' W•' l t11�1 ,,11r
( "hurrh ·� IP,ul, r< 1,, 11v' it w1•s(·h,· 111 , ,1rrvmg 0111
wnrk tli;it Wf· �ll l '!"Ht ,111,I ,,j wh11h W(" flll
Y<1111hu, · t h1n·r to npprn1·r r1f 11" 11r '<lll'Jl"rl 01ir
wnrl! Crrt.tinlv. I he 11\turnPv gl"nrrill'" <:11ppnrl rir
apptn\;1! i« nf rm ,·011("rr11 lo H� . ivr 11 r:nt ,ml_. trr
h,· 11'[1 o/r,nr' t,i 1:,·11 rrh,,11! rlOr
hw,i ru·s .,
a.< 1i·r ,..,. /1!. n., II'" f
,,,.,, \•111
Crrn \"t1u imr-1ginr 1h1
01tl(1nwv gpnrr11I n�'f'f
�r,...inl! lhc �,wn,lin� of tlw ll11n,a11 Ca1hrilic
Chmfh m C11lifornir1 ' ' C,in '.l' !"I im:i1,m(' fl Cllth,,.
1 i( umli1rnl'� r< >mpf'11s.1finn lwiT11'. <.11hjrrl In t.h('
;il t 1 1r1wv grnt' rnl"<: rp\"irw ' :'
\\"r111 l rl }w \mu, n1t ri,-kNI th, , M1• ! '1od1,:;I
('hur,h. !}1" l'rr· �bvlPtian nr l .,11 l1f'mn '1
V, :,.ulrl lif' lmvp •mdPrtHk<·n tn a S
J:Ht:Uf' 0 '
U"r/1 IH''
H, · 1111i:ht w... 1 1 , t'.i\"Pll 11,s f l l ' t "H1 ·nt ,J.-1< , rrui11, 1
!inn ,,, he II,;, rf'li�' i,m• ,uhil;,r ,,,, l "tthlurm.<,.,,
r·il iJl'll�. llNI 1'$:" HF: I� .�'H11'1'�n 'lrlY. . HP chn�r
,lhnt llf• l hou,:hl W:l!'. � smnlL hrlpl<"<.S t,:WHl1,
pnh.11p,; J:<:lpN: lin.: 11« In rli,;11pp<'11r v.:ithotLI a
whimpn. lf';tving him with an irnportfinl \('�;:ii
\\',, t u rn(•d uni 1n hi' �nmr•,d,,it hi�i,:er anrl )('��
lirlpl!'s<> th11n hr P� p,,.1·U•d \'.:r rln nn\ intf'nrl lo
,lis:ipprar. whiniprringlv 11r nth....rwisP Wf' in.
ll'n<l t,, ronl in11" drfrnrli11g our Ch1 1rch IIPrllHSf'
our rrli�inn .1n1I PUr right ro prn,·!1rp th:il rrli
ginn as wr wish m;iitf'r more to"" th .9n r>nr pro1 ,
Prl\· nr t' W'n ,,ur hv, , s
\l,,'h:it ah,.11! vmi ' > V>lrnt nrn!tprsc I n vn11 · 1 Yn<ir
irtn' Ynur po\1tir� · , Ynur �,,.� ·, Y,mr <:f':llllll
(UPfrrPHn· '' Ymir prnl,•,sion':' Ynur r:i,·,· ' 1
;>i11, wr •lon't a<sk \"IIU to rar<' c1lirn11 tlw
\\ ' nrldwidf' ( " httr,·h ,,f f;,,r:I \\'r :i<.k vn11 In f"iltf•
c1!,,,ut \"C'UTSf•lf M1rl ahrtul ,� hat , . ,,,. hl'lif'\"f' Ill
anrl In .1�1! \" <ilfr<:f'lf ••.:hpthrr �·mi don"! h:ivr fl
(fll1SI' in /"nnlUH!II w1 1h 11.�
\\'I' thmlt �- n1 1 ,lo Jt·s r,illPrl, Ou• (',1n.s/ 1 / 1 1 / 11)n
r,f th,· 1.'n/ / i·d Sin/f's
/\<: wr s.9i,J rnrlin. Wf'rlr1m1I �t'<'k ml'mhN�, b11t
"'" will hf'ehrippv loprt>\"ld!'arw informal i"nalrnnt
m 1hnt vPII wish. Wtilt> <1� Thr Worlrlwirlr
Ch1m l-1 ni ( ;o<l. Hn'l 1 1 1 . l'H�mfrw1, f"11lif11rni;i.
�l f l :!:t. or rnll n1n 1"11 fr,, ,• 1111mfwr· (H(\O) I"!.:!
, 1 \-1 i. l 1 1 l ·F1lifnn1i11 , , . ,,lln,lkd j '� l T t :,Ti-',/ '.'.",
l t . ,.� wr h<>j>I' _1, ,,11 ,/,,. 1·,,11 l,,1v•· «<1m,·th
n 1;
_, . ,.,. · ,1 l ilcf' In ll·U tlw :it1nrnrv f!t·11,.,rnl nf th,·
St,i1r• nf <\
lifrrr111n 111,.,111 ,·,,11r uwkr<:.l;i11din1; ,,f
th" 1 ·,111<.t.i l 11tin11 of th" l.ln1iPd �1Fllrs , wri(r t.n
Tl rf' l /1111 ( ;p, ,rf."P J •p1 11!11wj1 , 111
Cnlif,,rnifl ,\ 1 r, ,r11rv (:rnrr-111
'.°).'",.', C11pil11! J\IAll
.Sarrn111f'11lo, CaJif.,m1;i !).",R l �
nwd !Jy nwml,rr.'\ ,,f l hf• l ':rnl'tf,!'llt"'\" ('. .mrml
Irr for thr Defrn�r of Hr]igm11s Frf'£•11orn
F"H' r; l ,1w,·1.
l ·l"ltl H11t:rn Ww,
l ':i�a.-cl, , n,1, CA rll 10-1
l lu" ( ; 1 ,·111m�.
')(�l-1 W :,:1. 1s1 St
Tr,rr:111,·r, I',\ !l{t\01
iHlE>- Finn :,.;r,.,.,
I .' , H>!I l.:i��rn
M1�sin11 Hills. CA 91 .M
l-:r,1u,· { " 1 Ar·1
1 :u1 Y11d1"
1.,,ni, H.-.1d1
! 1
Ho,":� Trininl"f
Ji�l1 Thi"! , h,,
�11, - r:1mf'nt,, . / ' A !i.',),118
( "H�R[ f · � \l F 1 r �1 \
""/Shi \' •�t:1 H" l
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C1 1 rus H1·i�h1,. t ' ,\ W, 1 ; 1 1 1
H1 ( 1l,OW F11AHS
:1n-:-o (";,hfr,rnia.
Ari . ;
S,m Frane1-eo, CA '! I l l :",
fi.1 1 l',-rnll;i
T1Jlan•. c',\ Tl�C-1
l' .1 1 1 h 1 1n1 1
I '. r I lln� ' L'l 1
t ' :nLl,ff. r · t,, •,.ion-;-
f'11•m r.-c \\ ' me
1�1 1-1 Vd1N1 111• l l ri\'f
l\;ikrrsfi, , 1,1, ( · t,, !1,tHl'I
J 'l'HR Wror.F
1 . 1�,c� , \\" Shi,. Jd�
Krrt•rnn. C,\ '.HO.lh
l' age 9