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A new program of mini-PV brochures (a four-page promotional pamphlet
which is about half the size of the PV) is now being tested in various
areas of the United States.
This will hopefully cut down on the number
of people who pick up a copy of La Pura Verdad at the newsstands each
month instead of subscribing. The response as compared to the number
of responses to the newsstand PVs will also be compared.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
LOUISVILLE, KY--RAY A. MEYER: Most neqative attitudes and dissension
now gone from local congregation. Most now have a good, positive
orientation and support Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong.
CANTON, OH--JOHN FOSTER: All is going pretty well. Those few members
who were ''slipping" away are becoming more involved in the Church. There
is a sincere enthusiasm of being a part of the Church.
CLEVELAND EAST, OH--GUY L. ENGELBART: God's people were inspired and
encouraged as a result of the Feast of Unleavened Bread. Our offering
on the first day was the highest we have ever had in Cleveland! The
congregation in Cleveland is totally behind Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong
as God's apostle. Our attendance for April is 10% above the same month
last year. Four people were baptized last month, and we are getting a
number of new PM's, both through letters from Pasadena, and friends and
relatives of members. God is blessing His Church in a way He hasn't for
many years.
CLARKSBURG, WV--DAVID M. JOHNSON: People seem very positive about the
direction of the Work under Mr. Armstrong's leadership. There is a
noticeable increase in interest in prophecy as well as in personal Bible
study. With three once-per-month studies in outlying areas, we are able
to have about 75% of the Church in a Bible study each month. No one seems
shaken at all with the current legal difficulties.
BELLE VERNON, PA--DAVID M. JOHNSON: There is a definite improvement in
the overall attitude. In the past, people always seemed to have a gripe
about something. Now, even when things go wrong, they seem to be more
patient and willing to make whatever adjustments are necessary without
complaining. Spring holy days brought record offerings for this area.
People seem to be more genuinely solid than they have been in years.
The people seem quite pleased about the proposed changes in the SEP
Several have expressed their disappointment over the last
few years that the program seemed to have no spiritual or moral training
at all.
Even those people who have complained in the past seem eager to
believe that positive changes are being made and are once again supportive
of the whole Y.O.U. program.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Preparations for the Feast of Tabernacles 1980 are going very well!
Approximately 38 per cent of the festival applications have been received
in Tucson. Please encourage the members in your area to return their
festival applications as soon as they have completed them, since this
will aid in our overall planning.