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program and were turned down. They then complained about the fact that
we were sold time for our broadcast, and the result was inevitable. An
attempt will be made to have the decision reviewed, however, and we cer­
tainly hope and pray it can be aired again.
Comments From Monthly Church Reports
WHEELING, WV--LYALL JOHNSTON: Church attendance took a sharp upturn this
month. Some outlying elderly members returning after winter. This montn
has also seen more than usual new contacts. Mates of members (2-3) also
expressing desire for baptism. God's Spirit is obviously moving to bring
into His Church a whole new group of converts. These people have normally
had past contact through literature of friends or relatives.
MADISONVILLE, KY--VICTOR KUBIK: Had a death of a 27-year-old girl. As a
result of the funeral sermon two of her sisters attend Church now because
our Church makes the most sense about life after death.
BOWLING GREEN, KY--KENT FENTRESS: Attitudes are improving week by week.
Attendance is up. High of 160. A new desire to come to services.
BELLE VERNON, PA--DAVID M. JOHNSON: As was mentioned by others in the
Pastor General's Report, we seemed to get an influx of renewed interest
from older PM's as well as some solid commitment from more recent contacts.
We baptized eight prior to Passover. I can't cite any particular thing
as proof, but there seems to be a definite improvement in attitudes and
dedication among the Church members. You can just sense a change.
We have had three or four cases of people who have had wrong attitudes for
a long time, and they finally seem to be getting on top of the situation.
Many people stated that the Passover this year seemed to be even more
special than usual. There seems to be a very genuine effort to do right
things and not just refrain from doing anything wrong. The fence-sitters
seem to be falling off their perch and most of them are falling in the
right direction.
DETROIT EAST, MI--EARL H. WILLIAMS: We had a very successful Bible lec­
ture --reached� new people in two days. Approximately 30 of these people
are now attending regular Sabbath services! The brethren are excited over
the new growth. However, many of the brethren are being laid off from
their jobs due to the slump in the auto industry.
JACKSON, MS--BOB PEOPLES: Our people in the main are remaining stable and
loyal. As in every area, it's becoming more expensive to drive to Church
--am loo�ing for a Church in my northern area. Members are positive about
Mr. Armstrong's upcoming trips.
LOUISVILLE, KY--RAY A. MEYER: Good participation in Church activities,
many good comments about the Holy Day season and related activities.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
We are very pleased that once again we are now able to print and distribute
a 32-page Newsstand PLAIN TRUTH instead of the 16-page version which we
have been producing for over a year now. This new 32-page PLAIN TRUTH is
compatible with 32 pages of our 48-page subscription copy, so the cost of
production is comparatively low.