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1·•· ;,·;·:·
And as fj lo indicale lhat hil deci·
�,on last Thun,day to close Ambassa­
dor'i. four-year liberc1I arts college
wc1:1 or lillle significance, Armatron1
almost forgot to give any explana­
, 111n. and there was little of that.
Ile said that the . college hall gone
beyond its original purpose lo "pro·
vidc educated personnel to assist me
in the ministry." The Worldwide
Church of God "Is not in the college
business.·· said Armstron,.
Clo11ing of the colle1e. said Ar·
mstrong. will provide considerable
funds which can be used for radio
hroadcasting which he plainly was
dl'l1ghtcd in exp.rnding.
Garner Ted Armstrong was re·
IC'ased from executive posts to as•
sum1: lulltirne radio broadcasting
dull£>�. a decision which also included
takinl! (;arner Ted off television
"Once aiain we·re 1otn1 to be
•·•·• ........ .... ,- .-..& ··--···- �. ,... .. .
back on the track in a big way,"
Armstrons said or the retum to ra·
dlo. It was radio. Herbert Armstrona
said on Thunday. that· provided the
growth or the church. And when the
chur<'h went to television in 19e9. the
growth or the-·church sfowe<Cfo-·ihe
point where now it is or serious con·
He said "the work" i1 goin1 to dai·
ly half-hour radio broadcasts all over
the nation. It is Important, he said.
"God has called me to aet out (the
mcs!lagc , to the w,,rld,· · Mott or the
time in both the Friday evening and
Saturday afternoon se11ion1 was
devoted to a two-part sermon by
Armstrong on the history and pur·
pose or mankind in the e y es of God.
carrying the congregations on a
search throughout Ole Bible
And it was Interspersed wit . h assur­
ances lo the conir _ egatlons that the
Worldwide Church of God is the true
church and that he has been called by
God to prep•re the way for the re­
turn of Jesus Otrist ln what he calli;
his "great commission."
That fact may be hard for some to
understand, he said, but it 1, no less
true . His voice raised In streqtb and
volume •nd he gestured wltb his
·hands and arms to emphasize points.
particularly with reference to the
need or thepeople to developwhat he
called "rl1ht character" and In ref·
er�nce to what be aald ii bla 1pecl1l
mission as aposUe.
"I speak with the authority of Je·
sus Christ.'· he aald, callincon minis­
ters to heed hi1counsel ln thematter
of p reaching and urgin1 hla followers.
lo do as he says. "I uy lt with au­
thority andpower."
And as if to counter any q uaUon·
ing or his autborit y , he Nid with a
shout. ··Nomt1n can put . meout."
during the long wait on this lesson.
That's it for this report.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
only a small percentage of the Work's total income, we are encouraged
that all media coJTlbined produced 21,602 brand new donors during the
first six months of this fiscal year. (These media sources include
The PLAIN TRUTH, radio, television, the Correspondence Course, booklets,
Subscriber Development mailings, and other miscellaneous sources).
New donors coming on the file are 66% higher than the comparable
period last fiscal year. As an illustration, stats for the first six
months of three fiscal periods are as follows:
Fiscal Period
New Donors
$ 88,841
Indications are that better quality donors are coming along: 1) Donors
are demonstrating more involvement in terms of overall response (lit
requests, letters, comments and contributions); and 2) a higher
percentage arR on their way to becoming co-workers. It's our hope
this positive trend will continue for some time.
--Richard Rice, Hail Processing Center
O'! Tl!E
13,'\TTLF FOR ZAIRE, ROUNC TWO For the second time in ld montris, rebel
force-s have -
invaded the rich Shaba province of laire (formerly the
Belgian Congo).
�arch of last year a similar invasion from �1arxist Angola was
repulsed. This time, however, the assault coul� prove to be more