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We have a problem in Mail Processing with which we vitally need your
help. It involves the handling of baptism, inactive, or disfellowship
information cards.
It is imperative that MPC receive these cards promptly each week if we are
to keep the master file completely accurate and up to date. Being human
we all tend to forget. However, it has not been unusual for us to receive
cards 6-9 months old, some even older!
We would like to explain why it's so important for MPC to receive these
cards as soon as possible. Among other reasons, it dramatically affects
members' ability to receive literature. The following explains how.
New Baptism Cards
When we process a baptism card, the new member is put on file to receive
ALL literature sent out by the Work (The PLAIN TRUTH, GOOD NEWS, "Worldwide
News," co-worker/member letters, Festival information, holyday envelopes,
etc.). However, we cannot send a new member his literature until we
receive the baptism card authorizi�us to do so. This is why it is so
important that we receive these cards�romptly-.-
Inactive/Disfellowship Cards
When we process an inactive member or disfellowshipped member card, all
literature mailings are taken off the master record.
(However, if the
affected person later requests literature we will send it, according to
the policy given to us, except for special member materials).
File Protection
Because of the recent actions of disfellowshipped members against the
Church, it is important that we receive all disfellowship cards as soon
as possible.
We want to keep our files current and up to date, and this
information can also be vital for security reasons:
It enables us to provide accurate information to the Work's Security
Department in case a disfellowshipped member seeks involvement with
college property.
It helps us protect the mailing list in case a disfellowshipped
person tries to obtain other members' addresses.
Information Call-In Service
In the above paragraphs we've been asking you for fast, speedy information.
As a fair exchange, we can also offer the same to you.
If you need occasional information on a current member, prospective member,
or former member, just call our WATS number and ask for "Member Informa­
tion." We can provide you with current status information, literature