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On January 31, 1970, I lost my only child, a son, in a car accident.
He was 30 years old. At that time I was getting The PLAIN TRUTH
magazine. Soon after I went to make my home with my daughter-in­
law and wrote to you my change of address and received a very
encouraging letter which I still have. I was getting literature
from others, but you were the only one I got a reply from.
--Mrs. May J. (Angola, IN)
Is the Attorney General still bugging you people? If they bugged
some of the ones that needed it they'd be too busy to go poking
their nose in a church while they let dirty books say anything.
I think it is a dirty shame. If you were to call them they wouldn't
come. But when something happens like that Jim Jones thing, that
sends them out like flies on a dead horse. People practically
begged them to look into that thing, and they waited until 900 had
to die and now they act like maniacs going from church to church.
--Mrs. Edgar K. (Madera, CA)
I read every word in the book and found it interesting and thought
provoking. It made me want to read my Bible more often.
--Mrs. Josephine C. (St. Michaels, MD)
Your book is one that every person should read. But not many people
want to hear the truth. I have talked to other ministers. One told
me your books were garbage. I don't care what they think. Jesus
said you would be hated. May God bless you and keep you into the new
--Mrs. John H. (Williamsburg, VA)
This seems to me the most sensible account of creation and where
we are headed that I have ever found.
--Edwin M. (Leechburg, PA)
Thank you for writing that wonderful book, TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL
BE LIKE. It's so plain. Anyone can understand. I am ordering
four more of the books and I know they will be a blessing to any­
one that reads them.
--Mrs. C.G. (Rosston, AR)
TOMORROW..WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE, is simply great. I love it. It's
a piece of the true meat to feed the flock.
--D.M. (Red Banks, MS)
Just a note to say that I just recently received your new book,
TOMORROW...WHAT IT WILL BE LIKE. I think that it's just wonderfully
well written and understandable. Actually I haven't the vocabulary
to truly express myself.
--E.L. (Wysox, PA)