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S REPORT, April 18, 1980
Page 11
Our Physical and Legal Hope (Continued from page 8)
"Our physical and legal hope," explained Mr. Helge, ''is that the state
Supreme Court or the U.S. Supreme Court, [both of whom] hopefully are
far enough away from the corrupt influence of this power, will hear our
case." So we hope that one of these high courts will see fit to call up
the records and hear our case and reverse what has been happening down in
the lower courts.
He stressed that although this is something we should pray about, we also
need to be sure that we are learning the lesson that God wants us to learn
from this trial: "that there is no real justice in this world, there is
not real peace in this world, there is no real happiness and there is not
going to be [under man's rule]!"
God's Will Be Done
Mr. Helge cautioned that we've also got to have something else in mind,
and that is God's will. Even as we always pray that God's will be done,
he said, "is it God's will that maybe this is the commencement of the
beginning of the end? I'm not saying it is, I'm only asking the question.
Believe me, I do not purport to know. But in Acts it talks about the
Church having been scattered at that time.
"If you read in Hebrews 11... what does it tell you there? It tells you
about people that were persecuted and scattered and fleeing. They were
being persecuted constantly and continuously. It says, '...of whom the
world was not even worthy...' It also tells us that when we're persecuted
in one city to go to another. Is that time here now?"
Mr. Helge then admonished us to not lose faith in our leaders, or the
Church because of this lawsuit. Nor should we lose faith in God if
arrests and indictments should come forth. He stressed that he was not
saying that this was going to happen, but if it does, we should not be
too good to experience the same tre�tment the apostle Paul endured.
The State has gotten so involved and so steeped in this matter, said Mr.
Helge, "I'm telling you it's going to take a miracle from God to have it
end peaceable. We're going to be peaceable, but•..this really is the
first opponent, when you stop to think about it, that all joined together
literally has the power to crush this church in the state of California,
barring one factor and one factor alone: that's the power of God. Physi­
cally speaking, this is the first opponent that we have ever come up
against that possesses that power. Now, again, I'm not saying that's
going to happen. I'm not standing up here as a prophet."
Where Will It All Lead?
Mr. Helge noted that now these men will stop at nothing. But if they
do succeed in getting all the documents they'll find nothing, and the
worst we've lost are the First Amendment rights. He said, "That's pretty
much of a loss, but I'm saying all the churches lose then. Right? [But]
that's not my only concern. My concern also is that the Attorney General
is going to take those things that this Church has done for 40 years that
were right, that were fit, that were proper, and label them as 'wrong.'
He's going to put a label on them that will say these are wrong, these are
corrupt, these are crimes, these are fraud."