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This week's comments feature the blessings God's people receive from
faithfully keeping the third tithe, and the concerns and anxieties that
our readers and listeners have expressed over alarming world trends and
an uncertain future.
--Mail Processing Center
Blessings of Third Tithe Year Told
I completed my third tithe year at the last Feast and already have
received more blessings than I ever thought possible! My firstborn
was baptized last month--WHAT A JOY! I also just found out I was
promoted on my job; a promotion I thought I'd never get without
leaving my particular job, which I love. One can never, ever, out­
give God and I thank you for showing us His way!
--Mrs. Sharlyne Wheeler (Duluth, MN)
Enclosed are our third tithes for 1979 as well as an offering for
the Building Fund. Putting [the] money [aspect] aside we have been
blessed spiritually, which is by far the greater blessing!! We were
becoming lukewarm and were drifting away from our first love. We
want to thank you personally for your prayers and hard work to get
the Church collectively and individually back on course to prepare
for Christ's return.
--Mr. & Mrs. Paul Peffly (El Dorado, KS)
The blessings are certainly pouring in for us to help us make our way
with paying our third tithe. Sometimes it seems like you aren't
going to be able to do some things that need to be done, but God
. always allows you to get it done.
--Mr. & Mrs. Harold Willis (Fort Smith, AR)
Half of the amount enclosed is my first tithe and the other half is
my third tithe. Being a student I was told that I did not have to
pay third tithe for the poor of God's Church, but in the book of
Malachi God gives a challenge to pay our tithes and offerings to see
if He will bless us. During my third tithe year I have been blessed
God promises blessings for obedience and He has certainly
fulfilled that promise.
--Warren R. Magee (Pasadena, CA)
After this year's Feast we began our third tithe year in God's Church
and we were both apprehensive. With one income instead of two,
hospital bills for the birth of a new son, and the economy putting
the squeeze on my business. .. we were convinced that there wasn't
enough for paying three tithes and all the bills, too.
But we determined to put God first and so began by figuring the three
tithes. As we progressed it soon became evident that not only was
there enough money to pay everything, but that there would be some
left over to add to the savings account.