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I have read your booklet, YOUR BEST INVESTMENT, along with the verses
from the Bible and have come to an understanding of tithing.
I have
also discussed tithing with my husband, who has not yet been able to
read your booklet, and we would both like you to use our tithe for
the Work of God.
--Mr. & Mrs. Gary Lutz (Gibsonia, PA)
Sermon Summaries Bear Good Fruit
I have some comments about your Sermon Summaries. I am a full-time
soldier at Ft. Lewis. Your sermons have helped me with Bible studies
and are encouraging during depressing times. The valuable teachings
of these sermons are handy and understandable. Please continue to
send me these sermons.
--James Bryant (Ft. Lewis, WA)
The two Sermon Summaries, WHAT IS YOUR FOUNDATION? by Burk McNair,
and DOES GOD RESPECT YOUR EFFORT? by Michael Swagerty, were wonderful
messages. I must say these make you realize that God is still on
His Throne and he is watching and waiting for us to call on Him.
--Mrs. Jack L. Hopkins (Strawn, TX)
Thank you for the wonderful Sermon Summaries. I use them on the
Sabbath. They are indeed food for thought and medicine for my mind.
I am not a church member (yet). I am studying, researching and am
truly reaping the many benefits.
--Rogers Mungin (Sumter, SC)
I am very grateful for the Sermon Summaries that you've been sending.
They are concise, applicable, but most of all inspiring. I hope that
you plan to continue this service. The Sermon Summaries really pick
me up in the mid-week slump (between Sabbaths). They are all so
good that as I look over them I can't decide which is best!
--Karen Childers (Goldsboro, NC)
AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE: For five months now American citizens have been
held captive in the U.S. embassy in Teheran, Iran.
Every effort to secure
their peaceful release has failed. The Ayatollah Khomeini--the only real
power in Iran--has squelched every ''breakthrough" to a negotiated settle­
ment with savage denunciations of U.S. foreign policy.
The latest episode in the crisis is an "offer" on the part of Iran's
"moderate" President Abolhassan Bani-Sadr promising not release of the
captives, but merely their transfer into government hands from the mili­
tants in return for a U.S. pledge not to make "any propaganda, any claim,
any speeches or any provocations over the hostages until the Parliament
is formed and makes a decision.
Even the Los Angeles Times, hardly noted for hard-hitting editorials,
remarked: "This effort to order the conduct of American policy is so
outrageous that the best response would be for the Carter Administration
simply to ignore it." Nevertheless, the next day, the White House re­
sponded that it would "continue to be restrained in our words and actions."