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We are still not legally recognized here in Cameroon even though we
have been trying, as a church, for over five years to obtain recog­
nition. With recognition we would have immediate access to six radio
stations broadcasting in French and English that could reach over 50
million persons in this and surrounding countries. Please remember
us in your prayers.
You will recall that until the church obtains official registration, no
assemblies are permitted and the 65 baptized members (both French and
English speaking) cannot attend services or meet together officially.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
As Mr. Armstrong stated in his latest co-worker letter, the August Good
News will serve as this year's Festival brochure, and the Editorial��
Services Department, in cooperation with the Printing Services area, is
already at work to produce the finest issue possible. We are planning an
expanded version of the GN for August, and will devote a full 52 pages
entirely to the Feast ofrfabernacles--its background, its meaning and how
to make the most of it spiritually and physically. This Good News will
be printed on fine, heavy paper and will include several indepth articles
as well as a large number of full-color photographs and illustrations.
This edition should become a collector's item, and will help make the 1980
Feast of Tabernacles more meaningful and enjoyable for all members and co­
--Dexter Faulkner, Editorial Services
This week's report features several inspiring accounts from people who
have experienced miraculous healings. Also included is a sampling of
comments about four of the Work's popular booklets.
Response has also been very positive to the Sermon Summary Program, with
over 430,000 requests coming in over the past two years. (Sermon Sum­
maries are actual sermons that have been printed in a condensed four-page
format.) Representative comments from those benefited by these sermon
summaries are also included in this report.
--Mail Processing Center
Recent Miraculous Healings
Just two weeks after our first church service we were told that
surgery was needed by my wife to correct a rupture or a swollen
gland in the groin area of her body.
the doctor discovered
an advanced stage of a rare cancer. It was a slow growing cancer,
but grow it would even with treatments.
I could write much about the feelings we had after hearing that
news. The cold empty feeling...was just too great for me. I felt
like I was the one that was dying. I say this because I was able,
with God's help, to cope with or accept my problems but I could not
accept this for my wife.