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Faulkner and the cooperation of the overseas editors, we will realize r.he
fruition of nearly ten years of work. Compatible printing is very simple
but involves a very close team effort between Editorial and Production.
Simply stated, compatibility means that each different version of the
international PLAIN TRUTH (including the foreign language versions) uses
the same color pictures in precisely the same position, the only thing
that changes is the text. Believe it or not, we do have about 17 differ­
ent versions of the PLAIN TRUTH around the world. All of them are put
together here in Pasadena. Imagine the tremendous amount of time and
money that would be consumed if each of these versions used different
pictures and layouts. Well, that was the situation in the past! Now we
not only have a consistent message-;--1:,ut also a basic approach to PLAIN
TRUTH production worldwide.
Compatibility is very important to the Work because for the first time
ever it enables .areas like the Philippines and the Caribbean, each with
its own very small budget, to take advantage of the long U.S. PT print
run. Having their 32-page PT tagged on the end of the U.S. PT edition
printed here in the United States saves a considerable amount of money.
Compatible printing also benefits the 32-page editions of the Dutch,
German, Spanish and French Plain Truths which can now be printed in the
same way; either here in the United States or at our Ambassador Press in
the United Kingdom. Compatible printing will save God's Work many man
hours and consequently thousands of dollars per year, and will especially
benefit those overseas areas with limited resources.
--Publishing Services
This week's mail comments begin with enthusiastic comments about Mr.
Armstrong's "paratroopers," the teams of ministers from Pasadena who have
been speaking in local church areas in the Southeast and showing the doc­
NEWS subscribers express how much they appreciate the up-to-date coverage
of Church news. Finally, listeners remark about how The WORLD TOMORROW
broadcast continues to carry a strong warning message to the world.
--Mail Processing Center
G-II Tours Receive Positive Response
Last Sabbath we, the members of the Gainesville, Florida Church, had
the honor to hear Mr. Neff and Mr. Snook and to see the film of our
court case and legal action. It was a blessing to hear one of God's
evangelists and to be drawn nearer to headquarters and you, God's
apostle, as a result. Thank you for the visiting program you have
instituted in order to cement the temple "tighter" together.
--Gary Bastie (Ocala, FL)
I really enjoyed the special Sabbath service we had in the St.
Petersburg Church when Mr. Raymond McNair and Mr. Joe Kotera visited
us. The whole service was very inspiring and uplifting. Thanks for
making it possible. The G-II is really a great blessing to the Work.
--Lavene Vorel (St. Petersburg, FL)