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Mr. Burk McNair
Mr. Leroy Neff
Lake Charles, LA
Beaumont, TX
Dickson, TN
Jackson, TN
Playing Mr. Armstrong's Bible Study Tapes
Page 7
Mr. Armstrong is making the Bible study tapes primarily for use at Bible
studies, rather than Sabbath services. He feels that the brethren need
to hear their pastor speak at services. The tapes should be used at Bible
studies and eventually all of them should be played.
This does not mean, however, that they must be played every week. There
are often studies that a pastor needs to bring to his congregation on a
special subject, or at a particular time. If you get behind on the tapes,
don't worry about it. Just play them in the correct order and as often
as is practical. The tapes are very important, containing much vital
instruction and teaching. Don't neglect them. But Mr. Armstrong doesn't
want you to neglect the special needs of your particular congregation
either. Both are extremely important to the growth of God's people.
Occasionally you may want your whole congregation to hear a particular
Bible study tape, because of instruction in it that you feel all the
brethren really need. In a case like that it is fine to play the tape
for Sabbath services. After a tape is played, it should be placed in the
Church library for future reference by the brethren.
If any other questions arise concerning Mr. Armstrong's Bible study tapes,
please write in.
More Good News From Canada
And everyone thought January was a big month! Once again February
produced record-breaking figures all around. Incoming mail shows a
264.5% increase over this period last year. Responses to this year's
special newspaper flyer campaign have pushed the year-to-date figure for
ad responses 3,066% ahead of last year! In the first two months of 1980,
the office has received 82,025 ad responses--more than the combined total
of the past three years. Every other category of incoming mail also
shows a positive indicator. Regular mail is up 61.9%, donation mail 9%
and the very significant indicator, income, is up 26% giving a year-to­
date financial increase of 20%.
A change for the better in the number of newsstand responses has been
noted over the month. The first 32-page newsstand issue for February/
March has yielded four times the number of responses normally received
in one month. Since the Canadian newsstand version is now bi-monthly,
the figure is expected to climb yet more. The cover featured a Canadian
skier and tied in with the Winter Olympics. A T.V. ad placed in three
provinces produced 500 toll free calls and gave added familiarity to the
magazine's cover.
Increases Continue in the United Kingdom
The Advertising Program is off to a very good start. On the 9th of
February, a new year of newspaper advertising was begun with an advertise­
ment on page 9 of the Daily Mail--a middle class newspaper which tends to
avoid the worst gossip reporting, yet without being too dry and formal.