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Many of the most successful magazines in this country are oriented to
peo � le rather than to ideas. We are primarily an idea magazine. Our
articles are somewhat impersonal in that they don't revolve around
celebrities, movie stars, entertainers and other "charismatic" fiyures.
We live in a world of general selfishness it seems (cf. Jeff Calkins
article on the "Me Decade") and people are "into" materialism and the
pursuit of personal sensual pleasure. Young people are throwing aside
the values of their parensts because it's plain t�ose values haven't
worked for them. Institutions, and the institutional approach, are
being scuttled in favor of a more pragmatic individualistic lifestyle.
Travel, drugs, speed, action, money, sex, disco dancing, cars, back
packing are typical of the interests of today's under
Our typical 52-year-old PT reader, on the other hand, is thinking
of retirement, personal security, health problems� mid-life crisis,
the loss of children from the home, and perhaps "spiritual" values.
Articles that pertain to health, loneliness, financial problems,
marriage problems etc. always draw an enthusiastic response from our
Ma.rri� problems head the list of personal difficulties here in
California. In 1976 for example, there were 88 divorces for every
hundred marriages!
We are trying to be aware of the trends in our society and to address
ourselves to the relevent issues of the modern world. Being "tied
down" to Southern California makes it pretty difficult to put together
international magazine that is published in 5 languages! It's hard
to avoid being provincial in our outlook. We have to have a more
international input if we are to make the PT effective in other parts
of the world. And this is even more difficult since we have to be
essentially "one thing to all men" with the present policy of printing
compatibility:---But we're trying.
One last thing: Two new booklets A Tale of Two Prophets and Coming--A
A � e are now off the press and being distributed. The booklet
Doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God, which is based on the STP
project, is now in composing.
--Brian Knowles, Editorial Services
PT NEWSSTAND DEMAND PORTENDS GROWTH The Plain Truth newsstand program
--1-s-·contfnuing its expansion into heavily travelle·a-.iirport outlets.
Arrangements for beginning Plain Truth distribution through_ six more
airports are almost complete. Washington National and Nashville
Metropolitan Airports are among those scheduled to begin distribution
within one week.
Demand for magazines and racks is continuing at an overwhelming rate
due to the intense enthusiasm of Church areas active in the distribution.
,Judging from computer print-outs showing Plain Truth penetration, their
enthusiasm is proving to be very valuable�
--Mark Armstrong, Newsstands
A number of requests from
rrembers for the STP notebook have been r�ceived. The expansive, encyclo­
pedic Systematic Theology Project will contain thorough and expanded