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Our compliments go to the 278 United States church areas involved in The
PLAIN TRUTH Newsstand Program! Each month 40%-50% of all new PLAIN TRUTH
subscribers are added because 3,000 church members and their pastors are
actively involved in.distribution efforts.
The Program is growing as exciting new doors open. For example, Washing­
ton D.C. pastor Sherwin McMichael and Newsstand Coordinator William Fair­
child report that distribution of The PLAIN TRUTH has begun in the Wash­
ington D.C. National Press Club. About 15 copies are being picked up
daily. They also report that, among many other distribution points in
Washington, The PLAIN TRUTH is being distributed at a vendor's newsstand
across from the Executive Office Building. During a recent official
visit to Washington, the President of Kenya and his large entourage
stayed at Blair House, the official guest house for visiting heads of
state. According to Mr. McMichael, the street vendor reported that The
PLAIN TRUTH was being picked up by several of these visiting Kenyans.
In another area, Nashville, Tennessee, pastor James Friddle and Newsstand
Coordinator, William Malone, report that after months of continuous
effort, permission was granted by the Nashville City Council to place
PLAIN TRUTH newsstands on public streets anywhere in the city. Six all­
weather newsstands are now distributing almost 500 PLAIN TRUTH magazines
per day.
Many pastors feel the newsstand program has been an excellent vehicle for
church member involvement. Louisville, Kentucky pastor Ray Meyer re­
lates, "The Newsstand Program has helped bring a greater degree of unity
to our brethren. The members enjoy the opportunity to help support Mr.
Armstrong in such a direct manner. They are encouraged because they
have immediate visual proof of the 'fruit of their labors.'" Chattanooga
pastor Bill Cowan says, "Personally, it is my opinion that this is one
of the strongest means for the local church to back up Mr. Armstrong's
efforts. It's encouraging to the brethren, it's creating a good image
of the church, and it helps Mr. Armstrong get his job done."
Our thanks again to all involved.
--Publishing Services
Periodically we are asked about the length of time it takes for literature
to arrive, how our mailing system works, etc. In this issue we would
like to explain to you a little more of the "inner workings" of the Mail
Processing Center. We hope this information will be helpful to you in
answering questions you receive about our mail service.
Almost all of our literature requests are sent from Pasadena via Third
Class mail for the sake of economy. According to the official standards
set by the U.S. Postal Service, Third Class items are to be delivered in
ten days of being put into the mail. This is the stated goal, but in
reality it often takes closer to 14-18 days. Thus, from the time we mail
a booklet at the Pasadena post office until it reaches a destination on
the East Coast, just about two to three weeks can be involved.