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No one cares but you and all your people. We love you and our
prayers constantly are for God's Kingdom and your health.
--Teresa Cruz (Pasadena, CA)
I read with renewed vigor your letter to the co-workers of January
23, 1980. I have robbed my savings account and am enclosing a check.
World events are speeding so rapidly I'll never miss the money and
I am happy to have a part in this great
of God.
--William Boone (Augusta, GA)
Thank you so much for the inspiring January 23, 1980 letter. It
was just what I needed and so full of encouraging prods to help keep
my mind on track when Satan tries to fill it with multiple cares of
this world.
--Gary A. Bastie (Ocala, FL)
Now I have your good letter of the twenty-third telling us the state
of the Church worldwide and the world crises in light of biblical
prophecy. Your letter is full of encouragement. I always leave
your letters out on my desk for several days, reading and rereading
until I feel I have thoroughly digested the contents and the
corresponding Bible references.
--Betty Rakasz (Springfield, MO)
I received your letter of the 23rd of January. It sure brought more
light to me about how Russia is acting in the Near East. You must
have a lot of people getting you information from all over the world.
Also, I didn't know you have so many churches all over the world.
--William Brown (Clearfield, PA)
Enthusiastic Over Mr. Waterhouse's Visits
Mr. Gerald Waterhouse gave a very inspiring Bible study on backing
God's apostle and about the place of safety a few weeks ago. With
world conditions as they are and the doors to these larger nations
being opened to you, it must be time for Christ to return very soon.
I hope and pray we as God's people are going to be ready for that
--Mrs. Charles Eavenson (Ellisville, MS)
After hearing Mr. Waterhouse in Columbia last night, I won't wait
until the first of the month to send in my widow's mite! I have a
new zeal and a keener desire to do all I can to help get the message
--Mrs. Clenard Arrowood (Asheville, NC)
Mr. Waterhouse held a Bible study at the Moulton church and it was
so very, very thrilling to hear the message he brought to us! How
wonderful to have men like him (and the other inspired ministers,
evangelists, etc.) working with you and behind you in this end-time
Work, so fervently proclaiming the true message. I am indeed grateĀ­
ful to you and these men for these efforts.
--Mrs. Marcheta Godwin (Madison, FL)