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Sunday, July 16.•.•.•••........New pastor takes full charge
of the Church(es)
Monday, August 14..............0rientation--all sabbatical
ministers required to be at
Pasadena and settled in housing
Tues.-Wed., Aug. 15, 16........Registration
Thurs., August 17 ..............Graduate School begins
regarding the newly created Ambassador Graduate School of Theology
might need clarification after the recent appearance of several
articles about its objectives and programs. The school is most
definitely designed to serve two very specific audiences. The first
is the ordained ministry of the Worldwide Church of God, with emphasis
on advancing ministerial professionalism.
The second audience includes those non-ordained church members who
already have appropriate bachelor's degrees (from Ambassador College
or elsewhere) and wish to prepare for more direct church service.
Mr. Ted Armstrong has spoken privately about developing these people,
and has expressed this enthusiastically in his last Pastor's Report
(April 24, 1978). At his instruction we are actively seeking these
students as indicated in George Geis' announcement in that same
Pastor's Report.
As Mr. Armstrong has stressed, th0se students seeking a Master of
Arts in Religious Studies degree do not necessarily have to hold a
bachelor's degree from Ambassador Ccllege. In fact, we would like
to encourage applications from church members who already hold bache­
lors degrees from other institutions. We are planning innovative
programs for these individuals. These are designed to give them a
core curriculum of biblical and professional studies in addition to
their chosen area of specialization--in church leadership and develop­
ment, marriage and family counseling, theological journalism, church
educational programs, or youth ministry. We appreciate your help in
communicating this to prospective students whom you feel would
become an asset to your congregation after such a program. Please
encour�ge such people to consider the enormous benefits, to the
church as well as themseTves-;···-that will be gained by their attending
the Graduate School for one or two years. Individuals may obtain
applications and further information by writing Ambassador Graduate
School of Theology, 300 West Green, Pasadena, California, 91123.
NEW BOOKLET TO HIGHLIGHT THE CHURCH As soon as the new booklet,
Doctrines of the Worldwide Church of God, is off the press, it is
scheduled to be sent to all co-workers. This will be an aspect of
the Work's program to spotlight the Church and give it more visibility.
We are hoping that understanding more about the Church, its doctrines
and teachings, its humanitarian work and outreach, will lead to
greater involvement by many subscribers.
In addition to the above mailing, Subscriber Development also plans.
to offer the booklet to all donors in June's "Co-Worker Newsletter."
It will also be sent automatically to all church member households.