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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 28, 1980
Page 10
I wanted to say to you that The GOOD NEWS, January issue, is one of
the most spiritually-packed issues I've ever read. After hearing
our local minister go over the article by Mr. Armstrong entitled,
"The Time Has Come for Fasting and Prayer," I felt an urgent need
to do just that. Applying the principles in The GOOD NEWS should
motivate us to plod on with our part in this great work. Spiritual
food is truly sweeter than physical food.
--Judy Cook (MS)
I just want to say I think The GOOD NEWS for January 1980 is one
of the best I have ever read. I thank you for renewing my mind on
how to study and why I need to study.
--Nancy Gaskins (Columbus, GA)
This month's GOOD NEWS [January] is truly FABULOUS. Mr. Armstrong's
personal was very sobering, and should be read and read again to
firmly plant in our minds that there is but a short time. And the
article on fasting and prayer gave me very valuable instruction in
getting closer to our God.
--Loren H. Westcott (Jasper, AR)
I just finished Mr. Scott Ashley's article, "A Timeless Message to
Teenagers" and was greatly uplifted. The article held much to offer
me but I was most inspired by the incredible challenge held out to
teens. Those teens with the guts to accept the challenge offered in
this article will someday be kings ruling over nations.
Also, I wanted to show my appreciation to Norman Shoaf for his
article "Are You Guilty?" The article was clear-cut, right down
the line.
It showed me where I was "not guilty" and inspired me
to want to change. Thank Norm.
There's so much to be thankful for in The GOOD NEWS, but I just
wanted to thank these people while their articles were fresh on my
--Dan Krupp (Fullerton, CA)
Students Take Lessons From Correspondence Course
The lessons are really comprehensive, in-depth and so clearly
interpreted that I have an unquenchable thirst to know more.
"Amazing'' is the only word I can think of at this time.
Because of the very important knowledge you have revealed to me,
my own life has changed greatly; in obeying God, in growing an
attitude with right thoughts and deeds. I want to do my very best
to live by every word of God.
--Mrs. J. B. Starnes (Indian Trail, NC)
I want to write this letter to show you my grateful thanks for the
astonishing, eye-opening, plain truths revealed by the Ambassador
College Correspondence Course. The truths are so clear that they
make me reject some of the doctrines which I have learned from the
other churches, and now I hope that I'm able to take heed not to
believe in the false teachings! I certainly believe that I'm on
the right track. These are probably the best prepared Biblical
courses on this earth and you make them so attractive that I can't
stay away from them.
--Nathan Crowe (Eau Claire, WI)