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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 22, 1980
Page 9
The mail count for the year of 1979 ended with an increase, and 1980 is
getting off to a good start. January mail has fallen off from the high
response to Mr. Armstrong's "semi-annual" letter we received in December,
but there are many positive programs in the works which we believe will
increase the mail significantly in the months ahead. As Mr. Armstrong
said in his latest letter (1/23/80) to the Church, this new decade of the
'80s should see the Work of God really surging ahead in spite of present
activity in the courts.
Quite a number of responses have been received to the newspaper inserts
which the PLAIN TRUTH Circulation Department has been testing. We expect
this new program (along with their testing of various mailing lists) will
bring many new, interested, and viable subscribers on our files.
The month of January ended with a total of 183,385 pieces of mail received,
including mail received in Tucson.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
A number of responses came in this week from .Mr. Armstrong's letter of
January 3, 1980 on the new decade and what Bible prophecy says is to
happen. People are becoming more apprehensive about the economic situa­
tion in America. Also Gene Hogberg's article, "America--'A Paper Tiger'?"
dealing with America's broken "pride of power" in the January PLAIN TRUTH,
sparked a number of comments. Also, the stronger Biblical articles in the
PLAIN TRUTH are having considerable impact on our readers.
--Mail Processing Center
Many Agree With Mr. Armstrong
I enjoyed reading your letter very much. It is so very timely.
I think your comments on the world at large are right on. And I
do think we are living in very dangerous and unusual times, as
--Adrienne Sibley (Galliplis Fry, WV)
Thank you for your recent letter on the situation in the Mideast.
I really appreciate someone caring enough these days to print the
truth to inform us common people of the truth between the lines.
--Tim Shimko (Fort Worth, TX)
You are not alone. Anyone that thinks clearly, thinks this world
will be brought out of chaos soon now in this decade by Jesus
Christ at His second corning.
--Walter Barnes (Las Vegas, NV)
Just received your most interesting letter of 1/13/80. As for
global events: I perused your letter with care. I concur with
your analysis. The real serious problem in this nation, as this
amateur economist sees it, is "inflation." The economic cancer
engulfing us all is now gaining momentum.