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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 22, 1980
Page 7
Church attendance had a 3.2% increase, bringing the total attendance for
both churches (Tilburg and Bilthoven in Utrecht) to 193. Our mail income
went up 52% this month compared to January 1979. A total of 2,476 pieces
of mail were also received this month. The increase is mainly due to
Plain Truth renewals and responses to newspaper ads. Financially we had
a 29.65% year-to-date increase, and a 1.68% increase for the past 12
United Kingdom & Eire Update
Plans for 1980:
1) Advertising--Almost any time you travel by "tube" (London underground
railway) or train in Britain, someone in the car will be reading a news­
paper. And during the year ahead they should have a far greater chance
of coming in contact with our advertisement for the Plain Truth.
Beginning in February, an advertisement offering an introductory copy of
the magazine will begin to roll off the presses of Fleet Street, startina
with a test in the Daily Mail. This will be quickly followed by ads in
the Sunday Express, Daily Express, Sun, Telegraph, Sunday Telegraph, Daily
Star, and hopefully, the Daily Mirror and Sunday People--all of them large
circulation national papers that the vast majority of the British public
purchase--mainly on a regular basis.
To produce and place this kind of ad, it was decided to change our agency
to one specializing in coupon responses and so the services of Hilton
Advertising (Direct Response) Ltd. was employed. As almost all our
advertising is naturally of a direct response nature, this move should
give the Work of God greater impact on the British public. We wait with
bated breath for the first ad to appear around 22nd February.
2) Exhibitions--For the second consecutive year the Plain Truth will be
on show in a number of major Ideal Horne Exhibitions around the United
Kingdom and Eire. Featured in the displays will be eye-catching color
spreads from previous editions, and brief details of the progression of
the magazine from its humble beginnings into the quality color publication
it is today.
Also at selected sites, a full-color audio-visual production will be
shown which gives a lively graphic insight into the content and history
of the Plain Truth. Stand personnel will be available to answer queries,
and supplies of a specially prepared leaflet will be provided offering a
free subscription to the magazine.
As a back-up to the exhibition itself, three forms of publicity will be
used: First, many households in the area will receive a Plain Truth offer
leaflet distributed by members and specialist firms. (Altogether one
million should be distributed). Second, we'll mail a personalized letter
offering the Plain Truth to "opinion-forrners"--doctors, councillors,
lawyers, businessmen, etc.--who have influence in the community. Lastly,
we will issue press releases to relevant newspapers, etc. explaining our
local activities, and will follow these up by personally contacting the
news editors in auestion.