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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 15, 1980
Page 5
News From Guyana
Paul Krautmann, our minister in Georgetown, Guyana was recently inter­
viewed on a mid-morning radio program on GBS (Guyana Broadcasting Service-­
government-owned station in Georgetown).
He answered questions about the Church--its origins, its name and whether
it was associated with others using the name Church of God. Also questions
on Garner Ted Armstrong's relationships with the Church now, the receiver­
ship crisis and events surrounding the State of California's attack on the
In the course of the questions, he was able to explain Mr. Armstrong's
trips to see world leaders, mentioning the recent momentous trip to China
and the possibility of a future one to Russia; our commission to preach
the Gospel as a witness and many other facts about the Church. It was a
very positive and friendly interview.
The World Tomorrow program has now been accepted by Radio Guyana every
Tuesday at 10:05 p.m. This is a fine opening to us since it is a govern­
ment-operated station in a socialist country.
The Church in Guyana has gained in exposure and increased circulation of
the Plain Truth and booklets, especially since the Jonestown traqedy, which
had no tangible negative effect on the Church at all; in fact, it seems the
Solomon Islands Update
Just east of Papua, New Guinea, is the Melanesian archipelago of the Solo­
mon Islands--ten large islands and four groups of smaller ones, whose total
area is 11,500 sq. miles (little larger than Maryland.)
To date, God has called seven members there, and these brethren pooled
their resources and supported advertizing in the two weekly newspapers
there, enabling the subscription list to grow to over 750--many in Honiara,
the capital.
Now plans are being finalized for Mr. Chris Hunting, who administers the
Work in Southeast Asia, to spend Passover and the first holy day of the
Days of Unleavened Bread for the first time with the members there. He
will also conduct two Bible Study Lectures to which the Plain Truth sub­
scribers in the Solomons will be invited.
--Joe Tkach, Ministerial Services
Regional Scholarships
It is time once again to begin thinking about nominees for the Regional
Scholarship program for the 1980 fall semester at Ambassador College.
Since this is the second year of the program, and the vast majority of
students who were awarded this scholarship last year are doing very well,
it is our plan to make it an ongoing program.
As you remember, this program is not designed simply to help students in
financial need, but to provide a way to train future leaders in the Work.