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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, February 15, 1980
Page 3
As an older church area, one would expect the Nashville Worldwide Church
of God to be well-established spiritually, but I have found the members
hungering for spiritual food and fellowship. I have begun from scratch to
retrench the Church.
The Church was meeting in an old labor hall in a very dangerous and dirty
part of town. The men of the Church had to clean the hall of beer cans
and trash every Sabbath before services. Some men had to sit outside the
hall for security reasons during the Sabbath services. Even so, drunks
still wandered into the hall at times and young boys ogled and followed the
young girls of the Church.
Now the Church is meeting in the War Memorial Building in downtown Nash­
ville next to the Tennessee capitol building. Rent is only one third of
the cost of the labor hall. There is no security problem, and the hall is
always clean with padded theatre seats. The members are overjoyed and
very inspired with the new hall. We will be able to grow because the hall
seats over 2000. The Hall has rooms for Y.E.S. every week without extra
cost. We met there for the first time on Sabbath, February 2, 1980.
There has been very little action in the Nashville area for some time.
I was told there has been no Spokesman Club in Nashville for about four
years. When they had a Men's Club, one spoke only if he wanted to speak.
No Leadership Training Club has been initiated for years. Fred Bailey did
visit while he was in the area, but Tony Hammer visited very little. Fred
Bailey conducted Bible Study twice a month, but Tony has not attended one
for at least two years or more. Very few attended Bible studies. Tony
did attend social functions but he did not arrange any of them. There
have been only about three Deacons' meetings in the last two years. Y.O.U.
was allowed to function more or less on its own with Mr. Gary Davis--a
capable man--conducting Bible studies and all functions independently.
Y.O.U. has need of the ministry behind it to give it encouragement and
We have had one Bible study since I have been here. One hundred twenty­
eight attended the study. There were many questions and enthusiasm was
very high. I am planning weekly Bible studies for the Church when we find
a hall to meet in.
Sixteen attended the first Spokesman Club organization meeting, so we plan
to have Spokesman Club every week on Thursday night. The leadership
Training Class has thirteen members attending the second and fourth
Tuesdays every month.
Everyone was very enthusiastic at the church dinner-dance January 25. We
have planned a church talent show and bunko party this winter, plus three
picnics this summer.
We have planned to have a Y.E.S. Teachers' Organization meeting twice but
had to cancel because of inclement weather.
The Church has purchased a mimeograph machine so we can produce an
Announcement Bulletin to be handed out every Sabbath.