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Conservative MP Julian Critchley, also writing in the Telegra � , added
additional wrinkle to this remarkable story. American power s on the
wane, he said, while Soviet might shows no bounds. Europe, he concludes,
must unite in the face of this common enemy.
There was a great need for a "modern Bismark" in Europe, said Critchley,
adding: "He, too, may well be German, for it is the Federal Republic
which has become the most powerful nation within the Community. The
Iron Chancellor was the architect of German unity in the 19th centuryi
if the Conunon Market is ever to become a super-State and not just a
supermarket, it will be the result of German leadership."
More on this trend, in greater detail, in coming issues of the Plain
Truth and Worldwide News.
--Gene Hogberg, News Bureau
MPC is just beginning to receive reactions to the new live half-hour
radio programs and the decision to move the undergraduate college to
Big Sandy. This week's comments primarily concern these two items.
Half-hour Broadcasts
GTA back on radio for a half hour! Hooray! There is no one on
earth like Mr. Armstrong. Thank God you're on.
-- Mr.& Mrs. Ray Bianchi (Tucson, AZ)
What a joy to hear the half-hour program again on radio these
past two mornings. I hadn't realized how much we had missed them.
Please keep them corning.
-- Jerry Arebalo (Paso Robles, CA)
We were thrilled to hear your first half-hour broadcast here in
Tucson, Monday at 1 p.m. Your presentation was the best I ever
heard, and! always (in years past) felt the broadcasts were
We notice that your conversion and maturity keep growing and
affecting your broadcasts with more depth, understanding and
meaning. Keep them corning, Ted! We pray God will give you the
r�ght words to say on eacLaoe
God's help, we are with
you 100%1
-- Chuck Gillette (Tucson, AZ)
Just a brief note to commend y.ou on your new, halfhour broad
casts which I enjoy over WMAQ radio in Chicago. It is refresh­
ing to hear the truth reverberating over an instrument too often
used to cloud the sane. As an avid reader of The PLAIN TRUTH I
realize the importance of your discourses, and only hope that
soon many more Americans will listen to your voice.
--Robert Niedospial (Oak Lawn, IL)
We are now able to hear the WORLD TOMORROW program on KLAC in
the Santa Barbara area for a full 30 minutes. Thanks for the
daily spiritual food and inspiration.
-- C. W. Bailey (Santa Barbara, CA)