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GENERAL'S R.tPORT, January 25, 1980
Page 12
Ambassador College assists needy and/or deserving students with
various scholarships and grants. ;1r. Ron Wroblewski, Financial Aids
Officer for the College, will from time to time keep all of the ministry
informed on this college-aid program. If you have any questions regarding
student scholarships and grants, be sure to write Mr. Wroblewski.
We here at Ambassador College appreciate the many statements of support
of Ambassador College and its educational programs by God's ministry world­
wide. We hope to be able to continue to be used by God in the training of
the Church's most valuable asset--its youth--the future leaders of this
mighty Work of God.
Again, on behalf of all of us here at Ambassador, we wish to express to all
of you ministers our heartfelt thanks and appreciation for your prayers and
loyal support of God's College.
--Raymond F. McNair, Deputy Chancellor
The latest Literature Index, which is included with this Pastor General's
Report, is a list of all currently available booklets and reprint articles-­
and is for your personal use. May we please ask that you do not loan out
your Index or allow it to be duplicated.
We are always happy to provide all members with any reading material they
need or request. However, when long lists are sent in asking for dozens-­
and sometimes hundreds--of pieces of literature, our postage and processing
costs increase considerably.
Thanks for your help and cooperation. Any recommendations or suggestions
for improvement in the Index will be appreciated.
--Richard Rice, Mail Processing Center
This week's mail comments include miscellaneous letters on a variety of
--Mail Processing Center
Comments on Miscellaneous Subjects
We received your letter on the end of time and I am sure you are
right. The world has never before been so near like the Lord said
it would be in the last days. There is so much hate, distrust and
bitterness today between nations as well as peoples in the world.
So I believe the end is very near.
--Louie Lowery (Opdyke, IL)
My wife and I were very excited and "rejoiced exceedingly" upon
receiving word of your invitations to Moscow and Warsaw. We've said ,
often jokingly, that once Mr. Armstrong is invited to the U.S.S.R.,
the end is near.
--Clay Thornton (Pasadena, CA)