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that they can "determine what other relief might be appropriate." If the
accounting they already have is false, why don't they sue the accountants?
Federal court is an ideal forum for a lawsuit against the State of Cali­
fornia to expose the absurdity of the State's position, the reckless manner
in which they have pursued their suit, and to seek damages for the harm
they have caused. All of this will take time, of course, because even as
this brief account of one aspect of the case demonstrates, the wheels of
justice turn slowly, if at all.
Abstention Doctrine: A policy adopted by the federal courts whereby the
district court may decline to exercise its jurisdiction and defer to the
state court the resolution of a federal constitutional question until the
outcome of the state court proceeding. Sometimes this is to avoid un­
necessary friction in federal/state relations.
On January 14, 1980 Ambassador College began a new decade--the decade of
the exciting, yet perhaps awful eighties: The students and faculty are
both happy and thankful to be a part of this wonderful institution which,
under the leadership of Mr. Herbert W. Armstrong, is recapturing the true
The Dean of Students of Ambassador College, Mr. Greg Albrecht, and I were
in Tucson on January 9th and 10th in order to go over with Mr. Armstrong
plans, statistics and policies of the College--for his final decisions.
Mr. Armstrong has repeatedly expressed his pleasure at seeing Ambassador
College back on the track.
The administration, faculty and students of
Ambassador are happy to be able to stand solidly behind Mr. Armstrong as
he brings the College ever closer to the type of educational institution
which will please God.
Even though we believe Ambassador is now back on track--with the type of
balanced instruction which God wants, with students once again happy,
enthusiastic and respectful--we realize there are always ways in which we,
under God's direct supervision and blessing, can make this institution of
higher learning still more pleasing in His sight.
I don't know how many of you saw the recent Bob Hope TV Special which was
taped here in our Auditorium for a charitable cause. Both Mr. Hope and
Mrs. Bing Crosby thanked Ambassador College for the use of such a beautiful
It was good for a change to see the name of "Ambassador College"
being mentioned before millions in a complimentary way.
The present enrollment of Ambassador stands at about 430 students. Of that
number 21 are former students who have returned to finish their degrees,
and 49 are new students beginning this spring semester. And, interest·­
ingly, about 22 percent of the student body is comprised of international
We now have one full-time faculty member for every sixteen students--a
ratio of about 16 to 1. And this does not include part-time faculty
(Continued on page 11)