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�ASTOJ<.'GENERAL'S REPORT, January 17, 1980
Page 3
Enthusiasm High Over China Trip
We are continually thankful to God for the safety and protection that
He gave you on your recent phenomenally successful trip to China. How
very grateful we are that God strengthened you and inspired you and
gave you such favor in the eyes of the leaders of China. Thank you
for the courage to speak boldly and effectively the words of Truth.
--Charles W. Wire (Bakersfield, CA)
I am very pleased to hear that your trip to China has been completed
and that it was successful. It is very exciting to see the Gospel
being taken throughout the world. It is also very rewarding for me
to play a small part in this most important work.
--Mrs. David L. Illig (E. Liverpool, OH}
Mr. Armstrong's visit to China, made possible by the power of God's
Holy Spirit, puts us one step closer to the realization of the coming
That was a neat
coming Kingdom�
--Val D. Harmon (Birmingham, AL)
way to tell China, an atheistic nation, about the
The Truth is so simple.
--John & Cathy Allen (Tampa, FL)
Here we are, privy to the inside knowledge of an unprecedented journey
of a religious leader into this ancient land. At the invitation of
the government of China and [almost] not a word in any news publica­
tions outside of the literature this church publishes. What a "scoop"
the world's news publications are missing.
--Mrs. Lee Thurston (Hillsboro, TX}
Responses to China Tapes
I was so moved by your speech to China.
I have heard it [the Message]
all many times before, but hearing it translated into such an un­
familiar language seemed to mean a turning point or "giant step" in
the Work. I am not good at expressing myself, and I hope you under­
stand. It gave me "goose bumps."
--Mrs. Homer W. Furr (Tampa, FL}
I was thrilled to hear the taped message of you delivering God's
Gospel message about His coming Kingdom to the Red Chinese leader­
ship. Before this year I couldn't imagine that the Gospel being
witnessed to Red China would be history before 1979 was out. I'm
thanking God for the open door to China and for the inspiration He
gave you in delivering His Message, the same Message He sent with
Jesus Christ 1900 years ago.
I got chills and tears in my eyes as the significance of God's Message
being translated into the Chinese language sank into my mind. With
fifty-seven ambassadors of fifty-seven nations there to hear your
second message, the world is fast becoming aware of the fact that the
Good News of God's coming Kingdom is going to the world as a witness.