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January 11, 1980
Page 5
just some who have heard things about us which, when they come out to
investigate, turn out to be totally unfounded.
He related an instance in which one of our attorneys [Mr. Marshall Morgan]
was dealing with some of these investigators who had already talked to
some of the most hard core dissidents in Texas. After seeing our coopera­
tion in bringing forth documents they asked for and then examining them,
in a conversation with our attorney they said: "You know something, Mr.
Morgan? We have been fed a lot of bull."
The empty and baseless accusations from dissidents and enemies of God's
Work, Mr. Helge pointed out, are not unlike those Paul experienced. In
the face of various accusations, Paul said, "Neither can they prove the
things whereof they now accuse me" (Acts 24:13). So it is today with
God's Church and its leaders.
True Brethren Withstanding the Test
"...We are in a war..." continued Mr. Helge. He mentioned how it is a
war on all fronts: politically, spiritually and legally. He pointed out
that this is therefore a "period of testing." He reminded us of Christ's
warning to Peter: Satan would like to sift you like wheat (Luke 22:31).
He also recalled the certainty of "fiery trials" (I Peter 4:12) and that
when they do come we should not be surprised and be like some who say
'''What's happening? What's happening?'" We are told severe trials are
going to come so we ought not be shocked and possibly fall away over some­
thing we were forewarned would come. It is very important to realize we
are in a time of testing.
Wanting to strengthen and encourage those at this anniversary Bible Study,
Mr. Helge said "...In this sifting process, you people are the wheat. The
chaff has been blown away. Satan came in and he was going to destroy this
Work. But, instead, again God used [this adversity] and He used it in
such a way as to get rid of an awful lot of chaff."
Referring to a passage in I Corinthians 3, Mr. Helge said that although it
talks about the work of the ministry, it also applies to the lay people
when it mentions the "fire" as the ultimate test. It is "the ultimate
test because when it is all done, that which is the straw and the hay
and the stubble is gone--it's just not there. But that which is the gems
and the finer products; they become more refined and they become better.
And that is what you people and your leaders have all become [out] of
Mr. Helge observed that it was in times of great trial that some of our
nation's greatest leaders have come to the fore, and in a similar way
some of our leaders have risen to the challenges and met the onslaught of
attacks from all sides. He reminded us of Acts 14:22 where we are told
that through much tribulation we shall enter the Kingdom of God. And
what further does this teach us, he asked, directing us to II Corinthians
1:9-10 which talks about persecution: "...that we should not trust in our­
selves, but in whom we trust that he will yet deITver us."
Mr. Helge explained that although the legal processes are slow and the
struggle will take time and patience, in the end, since God's Church has
been thrust into the improbable position of protecting the rights of all