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individually and together.
ships which are very close.
you have given Y.O,U.
Y.O.U. has helped to build many friend­
Thank you very much for all the help
--Debra Papula (Alamogordo, NM)
Mr. Armstrong, I thank you for being behind Y.O.U. I talked to a
woman at the Feast who told us, "You kids don't know how lucky you
are. I can't help but think if Y.O.U. had been around when my kids
were young they might still be in the Church today." It's helped us
to see that God does care about us. It's kind of hard for carnal
minds to understand that God cares.
--Margie Lyons (Beattyville, KY)
We in Visalia are looking forward to the material we will soon be
getting to help us in the Y.E.S. classes.
--Mr. & Mrs. Earl Van Wert (Farmersville, CA)
Thank you for the Y.E.S. program. It is truly the responsibility of
the parents to teach their children, but most of us don't know how.
We need help.
--Mrs. Elaine Townsend (Visalia, CA)
Impact of Bible Correspondence Course
Last year I took your Bible Course which has changed my life around
more than words can express. It has given me an entirely new look
and understanding as to why the world is what it is today. So many
so-called truths I had learned and accepted in my previous years have
now been completely cancelled out. Now when a question arises I go
first to the Bible to find the truth.
--Mrs. James F. Lanning (Maysville, KY)
We are on the 12th lesson in the Bible Course.
Sure has been re­
warding to be able to study the Bible by way of the Bible Course.
It has opened our minds to God's way.
--Mr. & Mrs. Gerald D. Fry (Clarksville, AR)
The last lesson, number 12, is tops. Very informative and helpful.
But I'm not too sold on the seven annual Sabbaths.
--Einar J. Anderson (Hendersonville, NC)
Your Correspondence Course is the best I have ever seen and Lesson
Number 6 is especially outstanding. It gives the best instruction
on "What is hell?" that I have ever read. Thank you so much.
--Robert Browning, Sr. (Pitman, NJ)
The Ambassador College Bible Correspondence Course is helping me to
understand. My mother always used to say "with all the knowledge
you are learning, seek understanding." The devil is always busy
trying to stop education from the standpoint of God's laws and His
way of life. Carry on.
--Mr. W. Browne (Silver Springs, MD)