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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 27, 1979
Page 10
Correspondents Address a Variety of Topics
This week's comments are made up of miscellaneous letters that cover a
variety of subjects.
We felt that they are worthwhile because of their
thought-provoking content.
--Mail Processing Center
Returning to Church
I wanted to share some of my happiness with you.
In March of 1975,
my husband and I were baptized by one of God's ministers.
For some
time, we grew in the spirit.
After a few years went by though, we
separated ourselves from the Church.
We quit giving our tithes and
soon we even quit attending Sabbath services.
Needless to say, we
cut ourselves off from God's blessings and left ourselves open for
everything that Satan could sling at us.
Just as you have been say­
ing for years, Satan would like nothing better than to see the
"family" shot to pieces.
Just as I came to realize how wrong I had been to separate myself
from God, my husband decided that he wanted a divorce.
I went
before God, repented of having gone a path that I knew for a fact
was wrong.
I'm sorry to say my husband went through with the divorce.
It hasn't been easy disciplining myself when it comes to Bible study,
prayer and fasting, sometimes actually having to force myself to
kneel and pray.
I'm now on my way back to recovery from a long
spiritual illness.
I ask for your prayers for my children and myself.
It's really hard being a single parent.
--F. G.
Cheerful Giving
This is such a privilege for me to be able to contribute my small
amount to God's Work. When a person only has money every now and
then, and can't be a regular tither, it makes one appreciate more
the privilege of being able to give at all.
--Mrs. B. Randolph (Bakersfield, CA)
Teenager Concerned About Satan's Influence
Being 18 I think I can offer a suggestion that may help others my
Satan is really after the Church of God and its human leader
and apostle, Mr. Armstrong, but I had no idea that Satan, archenemy
of the Almighty God and Ruler of the universe, was also after me!
I think as teens we feel that our parents are in the church and I
am and boy I'm doing o.k., not realizing that our invisible enemy
is working ways to get you out of the church, thus away from the
defenses offered by God and given over to a "strong delusion."
Yes, I knew that I would have trials and problems, and that Satan's
broadcasting does affect us.
However, to my thinking, I wasn't
important enough to be of concern to Satan.
But since growing up,