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PASTOR GENERAL'S REPORT, December 27, 1979
Page 7
Dr. Kuang, chairman of the delegation, at a dinner hosted by AICF's
Executive Vice-President Stanley R. Rader, expressed appreciation to
the California schools and delineated the goals of the People's
Republic of China. "We are very impressed by what we have seen," he
stated, "the accomplishments of the University of Southern California
at Los Angeles, the California Institute of Technology's higher
level of achievements in the technical fields, and the beauty and
learning atmosphere of Ambassador." Dr. Kuang also praised Mr.
Armstrong, Mr. Rader and the Foundation for its efforts toward world
peace and for the establishment of better relations between nations.
"The goals for China," Dr. Kuang continued, "are to achieve the
affluence and industrial development in 20 years that the United
States has achieved in 203 years."
The delegation will arrive in Tokyo, Japan Saturday and will be
hosted by AICF. The group stated that they are excited about visit­
ing educational institutions in Japan and were looking forward to
seeing Mr. Rader this January when he returns to fulfill his third
invitation to speak at the University of Peking.
News From Fiji
3,570 responses were received from a month-long newspaper advertising
program in Fiji. This promotion has almost trebled the size of our mailinc:
list there. Our contract for the World Tomorrow broadcast in Fiji ex­
pired at the end of October, and the local Council of Churches has been
agitating to have it permanently discontinued. Dl1ring November we heard
that the Fiji Broadcasting Commission agreed to continue the program for
the rest of the year before making a further decision. There are good
indications that they'll renew the contract for another year after that.
Regional Director, Mr. Colin Adair, conducted a PLAIN TRUTH Lecture in
Quezon City on November 10 in the evening. Sixty-six new people were pre­
sent out of the total attendance of 179. At least four of the new people
were interested in attending services. Mr. Adair conducted another PLAIN
TRUTH Lecture in Davao City on Nove�ber 17 and seventy-seven new people
were present out of the total attendance of 133. A Bible Seminar (PT Lec­
ture follow-up) was conducted the following day and eleven new people came;
total attendance was fifty-seven.
The Philippines area of the Work is still enjoying a fine year-to-date
increase of 26% despite a slight dip from last month's level of 28%.
The mail count for November proved to be very good. More regular mail cam,
in this month than in any other month in 1979 and nearly twice as much as
in November 1978. This is attributed to the larger volume of cards and
letters in response to a full-page booklet ad in the special November issu
of the PLAIN TRUTH. Present year-to-date mail income shows a stable 9.6%
increase over last year.
--Joe Tkact